Your First ever episode?

Which episode was it?

I first saw a re-run of 'The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street' as a kid back in the 80's.


My first memory of watching a twilight zone episode was "Kick the Can", on my little 9 inch b&w in my room (when I was supposed to be sleeping). Loved Twilight Zone ever since...


The After Hours (Season 1 Episode 34) was the first episode that I can remember watching in syndication. The ending made me feel really creepy. I am watching the first season now on DVD which I got form my local public library.


The scene where Marsha is locked inside the department store is one of the true tour-de-force moments of the series for me. The fact that the scene manages to generate a great deal of tension without words or music astounds me each time I watch it. Plus Anne Francis' performance is utterly captivating. She sells that scene in the same one-person-show way Earl Holliman sells "Where is Everybody."


True, great underrated episode in my opinion, so much tension and great acting by Anne Francis.


When I was just a kid, dad had a marathon on and I saw 'The Prime Mover'. Not one of my favorites today, but a good one to give a sense of the show.


"To Serve Man"
I had seen bits and pieces of episodes but I don't know what they were. However, this episode was the first that stuck in my head. The jolt that the ending gave was A+.


Technically it was either "Showdown with Rance McGrew" (not one of my favorites) or the classic "It's a Good Life". I only caught bits and pieces of them, and while they did piqued my curiosity (mainly the latter), it wasn't until I watched "Will the real Martian please stand up" - my first real episode - late one night that I became hooked on this iconic show for good. So that particular episode was my real first introduction to the Twilight Zone... it was full of so much mystery and fun, I definitely couldn't wait to see more of this show.
