Remake in the works

Laughton's film is divisive but widely accepted as a masterpiece (I am firmly in that camp) - a brilliant exercise in suspense and one of the most dazzlingly shot b&w movies of the '50s, with one of the screen's most iconic villains in Mitchum - so this seems terribly unnecessary, but as it's going back to the original novel and seemingly translating to a contemporary setting... well I'll reserve judgement. Mitchum will be a tough act to follow.


This seems like a horrible idea.


Yep. If it ever happens, the knives will be sharpened.


The original is a classic masterpiece, agreed.

I have never heard of the screenwriter for this upcoming remake (if it is actually going through). I'm not sure if there is a reason for this remake or if they can add anything. I always say, if you're going to spend money remaking something, make it better or give a new perspective. (Matt Orden)


I would be curious to see a remake of Night of the Hunter. I am a fan of the original and it may be interesting to see a different take on it.


NO no no no NO!!!! This is exactly the sort of film you do NOT remake!!!!!

You DON'T remake films that are better than they have any right to be, if you try that you will be absolutely guaranteed to miss whatever magic it was that made the original great! And if ever a film was better than it had any right to be, it was "Night of the Hunter". Made in a swamp with no budget, inexperienced child actors and a first-time director, it managed to be unique in a way that can't be repeated, and both deeply personal and oddly mythic. You couldn't pick a worse film to remake, in face, you'd do better remaking a worse film. Bad films can be improved upon.
