MovieChat Forums > Adventures of Superman (1952) Discussion > Was George Reeves the best possible acto...

Was George Reeves the best possible actor to play Superman in the 1950s?

Rock Hudson looked more like the comic book hero.


Hudson considered himself movie material and above a kid's super hero show on television. Television was considered a cut below motion pictures and the stage for most actors. Look at the villains on Superman. Most of them probably swept the stage Saturday morning rather than acting on it on a Friday evening. Sure, other actors probably had qualities that were better but then they ardently against appearing on television.


He came a few years too late but Clint Walker (from Cheyenne) looked and sounded exactly like Superman. Huge, buff, square jaw, deep voice. He'd have been perfect.


I'm watching the first season now. George is pretty good in the role. I've only ever seen the colored seasons before. He's a bit more fit and trim and quite simply looks better in black and white.


I think Geroge Reeves did the role well.


I see most viewers swear by George Reeves.


Bob Denver would have been a great choice


George Reeves was probably perfect for that show. The low production values and Scooby Doo plots needed a charismatic star. George was that. I wonder why that charm didn't make him a bigger star earlier in his career.
