MovieChat Forums > Citizen Kane (1941) Discussion > Citizen Kane or Casablanca?

Citizen Kane or Casablanca?



Citizen Kane, but just barely. CK is number 3 on my top 10 list of "Greatest Movies Ever Made" and Casablanca is number 5.



What a bizarre question! What is the point of asking between these two movies? That's what I'd like to know. The only basis that makes any sense would be that these two movies were released at around the same period (CK in 1941 and Casablanca in '42, so technically not even in competition), period. Otherwise, the OP's question is purely gratuitous. One could assume that the OP wanted to compare two widely acclaimed movies from around the same period, but if so, why these two? This was the heyday of Hollywood Inc., the acme of the flick-churning machine of the sound stages at MGM, Warner, Paramount, RKO, etc, and there is no shortage of highly acclaimed films based on critical consensus. A more sensible comparison could have been between CK and The Maltese Falcon (1941 in both cases), which were in competition- in principle. Or, if the exact date of release is less important, a much better comparison would have been between CK and Vertigo, because the latter has now replaced CK as the best motion picture ever made by critical consensus. Alternatively, if a comparison is to be made between films released at around the same period, why not picking up Gone with the Wind or the Wizard of Oz for a comparison with CK? At least, CK would be compared with another movie belonging to the same league..

In any event, the question does not make much sense as far as artistic criteria are to be used gor comparison. On the one hand, we have a film replete with technical innovations at the story's service, where each shot, each plan was methodically planned -and meticulously executed by a superior mind at the peak of his creative energy, what the critics of the time labeled as "artsy" with disdain and contempt. On the other hand, a comparison is attempted with a technically average movie, i.e. Casablanca, whose main forces were the characters and the story, instead of the other artistic criteria, which were of paramount importance in CK.

Granted, Casablanca has currently far more appeal to today's film viewers than CK simply because most of the qualities that made CK such a major feat in the history of cinema have become almost standard features in modern motion pictures, therefore leaving modern sensibility with an ingenious allegory revolving around a historical figure of great magnitude but that is not relevant anymore.

In summary, CK's greatness has lost much of its actual impact today for mostly historical reasons, IMO, thus explaining why it has become a classic of the type whose genius and merit are recognized by everybody but that almost nobody actually sees for oneself. On the other hand, Casablanca is less fossilized than CK mainly due to the timeless aspect of its story. Personal tragedies as a result of love, deception and the fatal consequences of external conflicts that destroy one's dreams and hopes for a better life, are realities of any period of human history.

These two films cannot be compared because they belong to two vastly different categories. It's like comparing sex and chocolate: the answer to the question is largely a function of gender, age or other criteria that have nothing to do with the things compared. I'm still puzzled by the actual meaning of such an unfair comparison.

- But you can't have her again as costume designer, Mr. Hitchcock!
- Really, Peggy? Give me Head!


This sort of thing has never made sense to me, either. But folks do it all the time - or try, anyway.


Your detailed and satisfying response to the question does little to cast doubt on the legitimacy of asking it :)


The OP simply asked which one. It's actually a very interesting question because it leaves it completely open for the responders to decide what the question actually was for themselves and to answer their own interpretation of the question.

In all honestly, if they hadn't asked the question, you wouldn't have been able to provide such a drawn out response. So it was a good question.


Citizen Kane, without a doubt. I always felt that Casablanca was overrated, and I'm not a great admirer of Bogart, in general. Orson Welles give a far more intriguing and memorable performance, which is one thing that makes the film so timeless. I recently watched the Citizen Kane Bluray, and I suggest that everybody watch that version before they make up their minds. Citizen Kane is more interestingly directed, shot, and arranged, in general. This movie has not aged one bit.


Casablanca is more entertaining and dramatically satisfying, but they're both great movies.


Casablanca! Citizen Kane doesn't even come close.


Apples and oranges. I own both, but I watch Casablanca more often,


Both rely heavily on good script over story. Kane is almost nothing but. Even so, I much prefer CK. It is smarter and has depth. I find Casablanca to be overrated and I'm a Noir fan. I refer to Casablanca as "Epilogue, the Movie" because it references some grand story that came before it that sounds far more interesting than what we are seeing.

CK: 8/10
Casablanca: 7/10
