MovieChat Forums > Citizen Kane (1941) Discussion > Citizen Kane or Casablanca?

Citizen Kane or Casablanca?



It really depends on what criteria you are using to choose between the two. From a technical perspective, I'd choose Kane. From a pure entertainment perspective, I'd choose Casablanca. I think Casablanca is arguably the most entertaining film ever made.


Casablana. Then Lawrence of Arabia. 2001: A Space Odyssey. Citizen Kane.


Found Casablanca more interesting but I'm a fan of film noir style and interested in the second world war so that could explain my preference.

I gave Casablanca an 8 and Citizen Kane a 7.



Citizen Kane.

I like things without necessarily happy endings. For example, Steinbeck is my favorite author.


Kane. No question.

Having an opinion can save your life. Just ask Marvin.



I actually quite enjoy both, although for entirely different reasons. Citizen Kane (to me) is far more a psychological study than anything, while Casablanca is something else. Kane has a mysterious element to it.
