MovieChat Forums > Frankenstein (1931) Discussion > 8.0? Come on folks, let's be honest here...

8.0? Come on folks, let's be honest here....

don't get me wrong, there is no denying this films place in history and it's long lasting impact, but I have to be blunt, this film is a joke, much like all of the classics.

I enjoy watching them just on a nostalgia level but the acting in these films is laughable, and what was so great about Karloff's performance? he just growls laughably bad and sometimes smiles. Then you have the scene were we first see him and it's like "uh, why is he walking backwards up the stairs?"

Even a scene that had great potential to be emotional like when the Monster sneaks past the mob and is standing there and he and Henry are staring at each other, I was thinking they might finally be going to have a real moment, then he just starts doing his stupid growl again and attacks.

The scene with the little girl had me cracking up rather than being horrified, frankly I preferred what was done in the novel where he rescued a drowning child and was "rewarded" by getting shot, to me that would have made him a far more sympathetic character and given a much better motive as to why he hated living people and why we should take his side.

Sorry to say, but accident or not, killing a kid doesn't exactly endear the guy to me. I think people just almost feel they have to rave about this film simply because - well, it's a classic, but like I said, be honest, the film does not hold up well, same thing when I watch Dracula with that ridiculous plastic bat and the zooming in on Lugosi's eyes, it's just silly.


Don't quit your day job to become a movie critic. Your criticisms are asinine. I've watched this movie at least 100 times and I always found it entertaining.


Well gee, case closed then, who could possibly argue with your brilliant, detailed rebuttal?


It's a fundamentally sound production. It's still a good show 91 years later.

Trying to picture the horror films of 2022 being viewed in the year 2113 is mind-boggling. Impossible to conceive, what's the world going to look like in 2113 never mind films.

I'll go out on a limb here and say no horror film of 2022 will be as highly regarded in 2113 as Frankenstein is today.


I disagree. Jason X will be rated higher in 2113. Movie takes place in the year 2455. I wish I could be around in that year when people watch in 2455 and compare what life is really like to the movie. My bet is it gets regarded as a classic starting in 2113


Not everyone can appreciate every film, and clearly those above who were ridiculing Frankenstein weren't into what it was. I don't find it laughable or a joke in any way. Even 91 years later, I am enthralled by the film. Karloff delivers an outstanding performance as the monster, which is all the more impressive because he does it without speaking and when covered in makeup. There isn't a moment in the film where I feel that it isn't holding up to my modern standards for what makes a film great. It's obviously different from modern films, but that's a meaningless distinction. A film either works or it doesn't, and this one works for me.


Well said. The movie followed largely what was shown on stage prior to the making of the movie in 1931. Universal took its cue from the stage in terms of what they thought audiences would buy. I don't think there was an intent to do a literal interpretation of Shelley's book. Very streamlined as well as less than an hour's worth of material. And a lot of people chose to look into the basis of the book. That Dr Frankenstein chose to play God in terms of creating life albeit from a different angle. Also, in the book the monster is rejected by society for being different. Themes that are timeless which is why Frankenstein will be remembered by many far into the future while many other classics will fade into history.


Okay, let's be honest here...8.0 is too low.
