MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > You need to read this to understand why ...

You need to read this to understand why this is happening


People are stupid. They think lower taxes means bigger returns....morons.


Lower taxes, done right, can stimulate an economy. It has to be coupled with lower spending. Others are stupid, thinking that taxing the life out of people and companies until they leave the state (see NY and CA) will give everyone in that state more money.

But apparently you didn't read the essay. It points out how the unthinkable eventually becomes thinkable. For instance, the Gosnell story was so horrifying that the MSM didn't want to cover it. You see, the idea of an abortion doctor killing babies born alive and viable was what people who opposed abortion had said would eventually happen back when we were still arguing Roe v. Wade, and everyone said it was too monstrous to even contemplate. Now we're not only contemplating it, but that's the new argument -- whether it's right or wrong for states to allow abortion up to the moment of birth. There's no question the babies can feel at that point. And if we were talking puppies or kittens or some endangered species, it would be considered monstrous. But we're now actually debating the monstrous as though we've lost all sense of right and wrong.

BTW, I was in junior high when Roe v. Wade went down. "No one would use this as a means of birth control!" we were told. That would be monstrous!" Soon everyone knew at least three women who'd used it as a means of birth control. "I could never carry a baby full term and then give it up for adoption!" they responded, when we'd suggest adoption as an alternative. Now women are carrying the baby full term and killing it. How did we get here? That article explains.


You have to keep corporate taxes below world average or companies move elsewhere. Only Commies are too dumb to understand that.


This woman, her hero (Bernie Sanders), and all of their extremist minions are frightening.

The fact that she garnered enough votes to win anything at all is insane.

The "free shit for everybody" crowd is in for a rude awakening someday, they're going to get their wish, and nobody is going to want to work, because no matter how hard you work and how much success you have, they're just going to tax the living shit out of your earnings and spread the wealth to those with less smarts, less drive, and less ambition to create their own success. No need to work and nothing to strive for. The death of the American Dream, which has never been "handed out", it's always been EARNED!

Keep voting for your socialists. You'll see.

By the way, I'm aware of social programs and the concept of police, roads, pre-college education, etc. and that is not what THESE people are going after...they want to tax it ALL.
