don't care

don't care


The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care, right?


"He's just a tranny with, no self esteeeeeeeeeeeeeem"


I wouldn't drink that dog piss even if they put John Wayne on the can. I like beer. So putting this prancing weirdo in their ads doesn't have any effect on my buying habits.


I have never bought BUD LIGHT in my life from a retail establishment or bar, but I've been forced to buy it at BUFFALO BILLS games because all of the stadium "no name" generic concessions only sell BUD LIGHT for their light-beer selection, and I have to watch my figure! From now on, I'll hoof it down a few sections to find the LABATT kiosk and buy BLUE LIGHT. Even if it means missing a Josh Allen touchdown.

That's how much I hate, and will never again touch, BUD LIGHT.


Livvy Dunne to make Sports Illustrated millions.


She's smoking hot. Page is gone, but how does this relate to Dylan Mulvaney?
