The next Lara Croft

She should be given the Lara Croft role now.


She should now get the Pirate of the Caribbean role.


Oh hell no. They already had a flat chested actress in the recent reboot. Cast another actress like Jolie. Someone who doesn’t look like a malnourished 12-year old who couldn’t win a pillow fight, let alone defeat formidable criminals.


I was going to reply something like that. New actress should already be athletic and strong with a generous chest. And that is NOT Daniela Melchior....




Well let's see how well she does in Fast 10 and Guardians. She will be 30 in Pirates where Margot will be 40. She is from Portugal that makes her look better as a Pirate than someone from Australia.


They dropped Robbie’s Pirates movie.


Margot will be 40 then. Daniela will be 26.


Did you read the article? It says a female Pirates may possibly still happen but Robbie won’t be involved.

It’s also been taken off her IMDB page under upcoming projects.


That is why I am fan casting Daniela for the main pirate. She has Guardians and Fast 10 coming doing support. So, her next should be a lead cast.


Melchior would potentially be great for one of the Pirates movies (although that franchise ran out of steam about three or four movies ago). She certainly seems a better fit for a pirate than she does a blueblood.


not Lara.. more of the cliche femme fatale in a post-modern noir picture



I adore Daniela Melchior, but Lara Croft is an upper-class English blueblood.

Melchior is, like me, Portuguese. We are not bluebloods. We are lowly ethnics. They should cast a WASP/someone of predominantly Anglo/Northern European stock in the part of a wealthy English heiress and aristocrat. Not flat-nosed, thick-lipped, dark, swarthy types like us (and before anyone accuses me of 'racism', bear in mind I'm referring to myself here, and I'm very proud of what I am; but what I am is NOT a spoiled, up-turned nosed, fair-skinned, light-haired Anglo).


Somebody now is rumoring her as the new Wonder Woman.


Hmm...interesting, but I'm not wholly keen on seeing actors double-dip in the DC Universe. I'd always prefer to see actors take up one specific role within a given universe, and it's not yet 100% clear to me that this is to be a complete reboot. Then again, replacing Gal Gadot might indicate that.


I don't think they will Suicide Squad again.Ben Affleck,Chris Evans played two different characters.
