MovieChat Forums > Florence Pugh Discussion > Said she’s never losing weight for a rol...

Said she’s never losing weight for a role

She said, “I’m never losing weight to look fantastic for a role.”

So far she’s kept her word. Her body is below average at best.


She's actually a small slim woman, she just doesn't have the kid of proportions that look good in superhero catsuits.


Or anything else.


I like her figure as is. However the nose ring is hideous.


Agree completely. Pretty girl, nice figure. The cattle ring in her nose is the only visual flaw I can see.


I'm fine with her attitude, but it might actually be meaningful if she were the least bit bigger or plump. She's not. She's perfectly slim, just short.

And doesn't this all sound familiar? We heard the same thing from Jennifer Lawrence some years back. And from Scarlett Johnansson before that. And probably others before them. All slim, beautiful women acting like they're taking some brave stance. It's all so routine now.


Yes but Lawrence and Scarlett had exceptional bodies.


She's one of those girls who comes across as fatter than she actually is. It's because she has a short neck, big broad head and short limbs. She's squatly built but when you see her in a bikini you actually see she's not that big.


She's not the least bit big. She looks great there. I'll take that over the emaciation Anya Taylor Joy look anytime.
