MovieChat Forums > John Boyega Discussion > John Boyega blames racism once again.

John Boyega blames racism once again.

He makes it sound like he was supposed to be a lead and is now some obscure side character.


They should make all the characters black in every film.


Even Schindlers List?


I don't see why not. I hear the cast of Hamilton is all black.


Boyega's criticism is fully warranted. Here's some context.

For starters, the posters of TFA were changed for the Chinese markets, where black people aren't marketable at all. The size of his likeness was reduced and he was moved to the background. It's not far-fetched to believe that in an effort to further appeal to the Chinese market, Boyega's role was also increasingly thinned out for the subsequent movies. This would be doubly remarkable given how much TFA hinted at Finn possibly being force-sensitive, or at least someone who'll be more than just Jar Jar 2.0.

Furthermore, there's a certain segment within the fanbase that obsess over Rey and Kylo ('Reylos'). For the most part, they treat Rey as their self-insert as Adam Driver is their object of affection. These people (which are complete and utter lunatics) *flooded* Boyega with hate mail about him keeping his hands off both Rey and Daisy Ridley. In their weird fantasy, they actually believe Ridly and Driver are secretly engaged in real life (Driver's wife gets lots of hate mail about this as well). Quite a few Reylos are deeply racist and don't want a 'dirty black' touch their precious Rey. Again, Rey is their self-insert, and they don't want to be engaged with a black guy. For every hint towards a relationship between Rey and Finn Boyega got terabytes worth of hate mail.

Keeping the above in mind, it's most assuredly not far-fetched to believe that Boyega was effectively written out of TROS as a result. China and Reylos had priority, and since both JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio are hacks they had no idea what to do with Finn, and left him as a pointless sidekick. It's the same with Oscar Isaac's character, who got a stereotypical drug smuggler backstory for his Latino character, which isn't even consistent with several canon-status graphic novels (he came from a family of pilots there).

To sum it up: Boyega had to deal with barrels of hate coming from crazy Reylos while getting zero support from the bigwigs at Disney, who had no reservations when it came to writing him out of the trilogy just to appeal to racist markets like China.


For starters, the posters of TFA were changed for the Chinese markets, where black people aren't marketable at all. The size of his likeness was reduced and he was moved to the background.

I'm not sure if this is what he's talking about. When he tweeted about the racism he received, a black man nicely responded to him saying that he dumped his girlfriend because she hated white people. Boyega tweeted him back and said that wasn't the type of racism he was talking about. He specifically stated that he was referring to white on black racism and said that that was "the kind of racism that ruined the world."

their weird fantasy, they actually believe Ridly and Driver are secretly engaged in real life (Driver's wife gets lots of hate mail about this as well).

A lot of movies have this though. People are still upset that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling aren't a thing. Fans of Titanic were disappointed that Kate and Leo weren't a couple.

JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio are hacks they had no idea what to do with Finn, and left him as a pointless sidekick.

I never really felt Finn was pointless. In the Force Awakens I always looked at him and Daisy Ridley as lead A an lead b. You couldn't have one without the other. Daisy Ridley became more of the lead in The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, but I would say that Boyega was far from a pointless character. Honestly, I think Daisy Ridley became more work the lead because she was the only true female character in the series and wanted to make her more of the hero.


Finn has no role in TROS. He has no agency outside of screaming 'REEEEEEEYYYYYYY' every two minutes.

A lot of movies have this though. People are still upset that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling aren't a thing. Fans of Titanic were disappointed that Kate and Leo weren't a couple.

Being upset is one thing. Sending death threaths to the director because he dared killing off Driver's character is another.


If they sent the director deaths threats, then Boyega shouldn't have claimed that he and all the non-white actors were the only ones who received criticism.


This dickhead (Boyega) is so caught up in playing the race card all the time hat he didn't notice that nearly all the male characters (of all races) in the 'The Last Jedi' and "The Rise of Skywalker' were reduced to bumbling idiots. The director was so busy trying to give feminists an orgasm that he forgot they were not the target audience. But as usual Mr Boyega wants to make out that he was the only victim of the directors virtue signaling.


And Star Wars is actually pretty diverse. Especially in the trilogy he is in.
