MovieChat Forums > Andrew Cuomo Discussion > So hitting on chicks is now a crime?

So hitting on chicks is now a crime?

He wanted to hug a girl and she felt harassed. Really?


It is when you're a public figure with lots of money and/or have political power...


He didn't even hit on them, which would have been perfectly okay in my book. She hugged them as a greeting, just like Richard Dawson, except usually with no more than a hug. Then that one Fascist filed a criminal complaint years later. The Me Too witchhunters went after another progressive male because they are mostly rightwing women who have infiltrated the Dems. Me Too is Trump's best friend and Cuomo's resignation caused a huge Reptilian celebration.




Let me say I can't stand this idiot and feel he should be charged criminally for what he did to those nursing home folks, but this feels like he's getting railroaded by the hyper sensitive #MeToo tards. Come on folks, he's not perverted he's Italian.


He’s a little perverted, if he was say 43, not 63, I’d be like “he was trying to get some action, not appropriate but come on”. When it’s an old geezer kissing you yeah it would feel really gross.

Obviously his touchy feely tricks used to work in the past but no more.
