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Mayor Adams Announces $4 Billion Plan to Make new Schools All-Electric, Electrify 100 Existing Schools

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today launched “Leading the Charge” — a $4 billion plan to combat climate change, create healthier learning environments, improve air quality in communities disproportionately burdened by climate change and environmental injustice, and help develop the next generation’s green workforce. With this plan, the construction of all new city schools will be all-electric, and the city will complete or initiate the conversion of 100 existing schools to all-electric heating by 2030.

So NYC has 4 billion for climate change but no money to help immigrants?



Your article is dated October 28, 2022.

Adams is a drama queen. There are empty office buildings. Start converting.


What happened to the 4 billion? I would assume this amount of money would have reversed climate change in NY.

I imagine if all 50 states spent 4 billion on climate change then would could lower the global temperature by 5 degrees. Although then people would be complaining its too cold.


im confused. how are schools not already "all electric". i know here in Canada we are clearly technologically behind you advanced americans, but are you running school lights on deisel or something?


Green energy.


i know property aint cheap but guaranteed the city owns land or buildings it could repurpose.. but with that sort of money they could build 20 thousand 200 000$ small apartments.

what a fucking waste of money. 4 billion to put in LED lightbulbs and get rid of some oil furnaces.


"200 000$ small apartments."

LOL! You don't appear to understand how the real estate market works.


No i understand its crazy. and i should have been more specific i meant more those tiny micro ones. Also land is the biggest factor leading to NYs insane market, and as i said i guarantee the city owns land it could use, cutting down on its biggest cost.

either way, this sounds like a big waste of 4 billion, and im someone who believe in man made climate change


"tiny micro ones"

Absolutely not! Former multi-billionaire Mayor Bloomberg and his rich real estate developer pals laughed like hyenas when they changed zoning laws which required apartments to be at least 450 sq. ft.. None of them would live in a 95 sq. ft. shoebox. Allowing them only destroys the quality of life for residents.

My previous comment was in reference to the conspiracy by real estate developers, local governments, landlords and homeowners in keeping house values artificially high by limiting construction. More housing means property values and rents come down which isn't what homeowners and landlords want. Zoning laws which allow construction for multiple dwelling homes have also been fought.

There is a huge glut of office space because of remote work. Some of those buildings could be converted to apartments. Good luck with that!


Migrant crisis killed that plan for sure


In the meantime, the kids remain illiterate. Crayons and coloring books. BUT an electric crayon sharpener.
