MovieChat Forums > Chris Matthews Discussion > Matthews was everything wrong with cable...

Matthews was everything wrong with cable news

"His departure was shocking," says Alex Shephard. "That’s partly because surprises rarely happen in the television business—by nearly all accounts, no one expected him to walk away (even if everyone expected him to be pushed out eventually). But the main reason his retirement was so jarring is that Matthews is synonymous with cable television punditry. He was, in The New York Times’ Mark Leibovich’s words, 'the carnival barker' at the center of 'the echo chamber.' Matthews may be stepping down, but his legacy—the shallow, bombastic style of rapid-fire commentary that he helped pioneer—lives on....Matthews had the perfect personality for cable’s approach to the news in the post-9/11 era of polarization, which was to bring people on to shout at each other. When the industry started to change, he was already an institution. Crossfire was dead, famously killed by (Jon) Stewart in one of his signature eviscerations of the cable news set, but Hardball lived on. And Matthews never seemed to care that the ground was shifting beneath his feet—a born yapper and self-proclaimed politics-knower, he treated anyone who thought about politics differently with disdain."

Matthews' misogyny helped shaped political journalism for a generation: His demeaning comments about women "over and over contributed to a culture in political journalism that devalues women, that puts their looks before their smarts or intellectual contributions," says Laura McGann. "And doing it on TV just makes it worse — presenting an image to viewers that goes completely unchecked."


This is why you shouldn't say a woman is cute, hot, sexy, or any form of complement since it equates to some form of sexual harassment. He's better off telling them they're ugly for the same effect.


Men in positions of power should stay as far away from women as much as possible.


At this stage of the game if you make any comments about women on TV you are crazy, or you forgot where you were.

I'm not quite sure what happened because I stopped watching these news networks 20 years ago, but what I've said is true.
