MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Willing to Embrace Flat Earth Crap

Willing to Embrace Flat Earth Crap

Tucker Carlson Says He’s ‘Open’ to the Flat Earth Theory

Tucker Carlson’s descent into pushing conspiracies hit a scientific new low as the former Fox News host suggested in a new interview that he’s open to the theory that Earth may actually be flat.

Speaking to the Blaze’s Alex Stein (via Meidas Touch), Carlson was asked about the Flat Earth theory. “Well, I’m open to anything,” he replied. “How could I not be open to anything at this point? I mean, there’s been so much deception that you can’t trust your preconceptions.”

After dismissing the notion that history trends toward “enlightenment and technological progress” as “a complete lie,” Carlson added, “The most basic stories we’ve been told about history, about the Earth, the physical Earth itself, which has been completely changed by climate change for millions of years, once you realize all of that, then it’s like, I don’t know, what is true?”

However, Carlson wouldn’t brand himself a Flat Earther only because guns of all things taught him that the world is probably round. “As far as the curvature of the Earth, that’s a thing in shooting,” he said. “I like rifle shooting and past a certain distance you have to take that in account. That suggests it’s real. Because one thing I know that is guns. Guns are real.”

Carlson will embrace anything if there is money to be made.


When you stand on the beach looking out at the ocean, and you can see the curve, that's an illusion. When you keep traveling in one direction for about 24,000 miles and end up back in the same place, that's an illusion. All of the photos of the spherical Earth taken from space are fake.

How can anybody with a properly functioning brain believe crap like this? I can't believe Carlson seriously does.


He doesn’t, Carlson was humoring the host. He did that on several of his shows (Tucker Carlson Originals).


Typical Carlson lies. He really has no integrity.


welcome to human nature


He is already worth millions. There is nothing to embrace.


I think he will embrace flat earthers kissing his ass if he promotes their views.


What money is he making off of that statement he made?


Carlson will put people on his show to attract viewers and advertising.

I think he will promote any views at all if it generates revenue for him.


Isn’t that the entire point of running a tv show? To attract more viewers and make money from advertising?

You’re factually wrong though, he got kicked off his own show for speaking against the popular viewpoint that neoconservatives hold dear to their hearts. He’s actually the only one who has spoken out against the warmongering nutjobs and it cost him his job. The vast majority of people don’t believe the world is flat so by your own admission you’ve contradicted yourself in your assertion that Tucker just says things to become more popular.


Carlson promoting flat earth crap will attract the fringe and not offend his most loyal viewers.

Which show? He had three of them at least, on three different networks.


It's on the Blaze, did they pay Tucker?


Video is over an hour long, what is on it?
