MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Just think, at one time CNN had Tucker o...

Just think, at one time CNN had Tucker on every night

An amazing commentary on the communist Democrat media/party that’s gone so far off the cliff they now compare free speech with Islamic terrorism.

Oh to be a Democrat lemming.


I would punch Tucker Carlson in the face if I ever had the chance. Only one reason is because of how many people he has killed with all of his Covid-19 disinformation that he spread over the duration of this pandemic.
He can say whatever he wants, sure! Regardless of the negative social consequences, because he works for a ridiculous organization.
Lachlan Murdoch is a real piece of work, the son of his father's 2nd out of 4 marriages. Hint, hint. I'm sorry Lachlan, if I've hurt your feelings, but I wouldn't be saying such things if you weren't so dangerous to public health.


Lol ok lemming.


You try to punch Carlson in the face and he will put you on the floor crying like a little girl in about two seconds. Good luck, internet tough guy.


I'm surprised people haven't assaulted Tucker Carlson already.

Americans are way too wealthy, decadent, spoiled with so much infinite Entertainment of infinite variety. It's impossible to change anything in society.
Like the wise saying goes, you can't have a revolution until you take people's PlayStations away. Oooh, the scary thought!


Liberals only attack people if they are part of a mob, because they are generally giant pussies. As long as he stays away from large groups of lefties, he's fine.


Problem for you is that he would kick your ass, easily lol.


When "free speech" turns decent Americans into liars and insurrectionists, something is off and needs to be called out.

Oh, and the "lemming" thing isn't as cool as you think it is.


What about peaceful looters and rioters?


What about them? Did they try to overthrow an election? Did they want to hang the vice president and kill Nancy Pelosi? If you're so concerned about public buildings, are you all in for the new infrastructure bill by Democrats? Bridges and streets are collapsing right now - even without people storming them.

Guess the long term effects of watching Tucker Carlson is to just repeat his whataboutisms. Sad.


Billions in damage and over 20 people dead?



Even for a fake news website that's very poorly written. Plus if does actually confirm people were killed anyway ... Just that it's hard to prove it was BLM.

But apparently it's easy to prove January was 100% Trump though LOL.

The Harvard 'research' is also hilarious. The majority of protests being peaceful doesn't negate the ones that weren't. What kind of stupid defence is that 🤦‍♂️


It's actually very easy to prove Trump wanted January 6th to happen and it has been proven. He's been impeached for that, because he's a traitor. Funny how right wingers don't want to accept that.

"The majority of protests being peaceful doesn't negate the ones that weren't. What kind of stupid defence is that 🤦‍♂️" = exactly the same defense by right wingers for Jan6th, so your point proves nothing.


Proven? Did you not see the result of the impeachment?

And ROFL my point proves everything. If it's defense enough for you to absolve BLM riots then it has to be for Jan 6th as well.

That being said, hypocrisy is the cornerstone of the militant left.


The result of the impeachment was a Republican majority protecting their leader like loyal lemmings instead of patriots.

I still don't get how conservatives can compare BLM to January6th. The first was a reaction to a deeply unfair police system (and racism in general), the latter was the attempt to overthrow an election - meaning the attempt to end democracy because your candidate lost. THERE IS A FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAKING YOUR VOICES HEARD AND STAGING A COUP TO GAIN CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT.




Well, gotta do something when someone is to thick too understand facts. It's called "being frustrated that the other side is immune to reason"


You yell, you lost 🤣

Nice try though.


It wasn't a nice try, though, was it? You have your opinion and I have mine. Mine is rooted in reality whereas you are just repeating right wing talking points.

And I did not lose any argument here, you just chose to ignore my points and start pushing in a different direction. It's the good old switcheroo that is so popular with "conservatives".

Also, I commented first on how Tucker Carlson's speeches are a dangerous threat and you compared that to BLM and would not budge from that talking point. Of course your stubborness will be met with frustration at some point.

Thinking about it, it is truly sad that you can only think in "lose" and "win2 when the real conversation is about understanding. You do not understand that right wing propaganda is killing the US, whereas I don't understand how someone can believe right wing propaganda in the first place when it has been proven wrong for so long and over and over again.


You lost guy. Hypocrisy at its finest 👌🏿


They literally overthrew entire cities. Liberal rioters are scum far worse than the relative handful of people from January 6th.


Overthrew entire cities?? Please elaborate. Where was the government replaced by rioters?

Ey, have you been watching too many apocalyptic Sci-Fi movies? Did you confuse Mad Max with the news? Did you think they kidnapped the president and we had to send Snake Plisken to get him back? I mean, yeah, Trump was hiding in a bunker, so you might confuse his absence with a plot from a Carpenter movie. But that seems far fetched, even for the imagination of right winger rubes.


Are you serious? Since it appears liberals have such short memories, I'll just put this here for you.


Strange No comment from idiot lemming. We’re shocked.


“The lemming thing” isn’t about being “cool”. It’s a quick way to summarize those who are incapable of thinking for themselves. Have no ability to critically think. And whos simplemindedness sides them with the left.

If you don’t understand the need for the use of the term lemming, you are a lemming.
