MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > You can't go looking to start a fight, a...

You can't go looking to start a fight, and when you get the hostile reaction you seek, use that as rationalization...

to shoot them. If that were true, you basically could kill anyone you want by provoking them until you got a reaction from them where you can say you felt your life was threatened.

That's what Michael Drejka tried 3 years ago. He shot and killed a guy after confronting him for parking in a handicap spot, his courage aided by the concealed gun he was carrying.

You might have seen the black and white video of it outside a convenience store:

He was sentenced to 20 years:


So Dems were out looting and rioting and they are not looking for a fight?


LOL! 👏🏻👏🏻 Good truthful reply!


Total common sense but don't bother trying to convince the local Alt Reich cesspool here who unironically prop up this cowardly killer as their hero.
