MovieChat Forums > Lauren Boebert Discussion > We get a video of Boebert getting out of...

We get a video of Boebert getting out of hand on a date in a dark theater...

...but we've never gotten:

- The Epstein client list.
- Video support of Epstein's "suicide" (where two security cameras supposedly malfunctioned at that particular moment)
- The manifesto of the trans Nashville shooter.
- The identity of the SCOTUS Roe vs. Wade leaker.
- The J6 videos.
- The identity of the J6 pipe-bomber.
- The motive and important details of the Las Vegas shooter.
- The White House cocaine culprit.

The political double standard is stunning.

Meanwhile the Leftie outrage over the Boebert video is amusing. Like a couple on a hot date groping each other in their personal space in the darkness -- the space of their paid-for seats -- has never happened before in the history of human civilization (rolling my eyes). Since it was in a theater, it was unwise but not "perverted," and she has publicly apologized. So what's the problem? There is none, but LIEberals keep frothing at the mouth like something earthshattering has happened. Get real.


Apples and oranges. Try staying on topic.


No it's not "apples and oranges." The footage/evidence of those vastly more important items is available, but the only thing we readily get is Lauren's indiscretions on a date in a dark theater (rolling my eyes).


this has to be the dumbest thing ive ever read on here....

the importance of the topic/event has no bearing on whether camera footage exists of it or not or whether the crime has been solved. what a stupid F'n comment.


If it was Hunter Biden, you'd be clutching your pearls and acting as if "family values"... YOUR "family values" are infringed upon by his mere existence...!

Fkn hypocrite!


Goodbye......time is too important to waste on the insincere.


Girlfriend and I made out intensely in the back row of a movie theater for two hours while "Shampoo" was playing. I still have no idea what that movie was about. I can't condemn. (the vaping would be annoying, though)


Yeah, but she only took a couple of quick puffs. She has acknowledged & regrets her indiscretions; and has said that, from now on, she's going to confirm that her date isn't a Demonic-rat before agreeing to go out.

Speaking of which, evidence is surfacing that the whole thing was a set-up and her date was in on it. How else to explain how quickly the video was released to the public? How else can we explain his response?


Why is it that everything that confuses you is a conspiracy theory? Your stupidity and gullibility is astounding. Aren't you exhausted from making excuses for Boebert's disgusting behavior? Why hasn't Boebert claimed that giving her date a handjob is a conspiracy? Because she knows she got caught red handed. Family values my ass.


Why are there IR cameras in theaters? Can't I pick my nose in private? The lobby and entrance would be OK.


That's a ridiculous statement. The reason there are cameras inside the theater is to catch people like Boebert who was causing a disturbance. That way she can't deny what she did. Besides, there are cameras everywhere. You should be careful when you pick your nose.
