MovieChat Forums > Rachel Zegler Discussion > She's making the right type of enemies. ...

She's making the right type of enemies. I like her.

So far 97% of the people that hate her are:

1)Racist and terminally online loser bullies

2)Incels that wished she would date them

3)Men intimidated by strong women when they speak instead of shutting up

4)Status Quo-Pushers who hate feeling uncomfortable with the world leaving them behind

5)Muskesque billionaires who see a threat to their power and influence

6)Flat out White Supremacist/Nazis that are doing everything they can to move the Overton window in their direction.

7)Regressive Boomers that are still living in the 50s/80s

8)Misogynists who can't help but to make rude comments about a woman's appearance.

9)White Affirmative Action Advocates who think white people are "owed" casting roles due to skin color and get angry when non-white people succeed in life.

10)Brainwashed Drones that mindlessly just spew the latest talking ponts they got off of Fox News/The Quartering Videos/OANN/4chan/Rumble/Tucker Carlson


OP is exactly the type of imbecile that gives "woke" a bad name.


Provide empirical evidence to support all ten of your hasty generalizations.


Your post is why many of the 2010’s/2020’s white liberals are the most obnoxious type of human to ever exist.

“We don’t generalize” by generalizing.

“We don’t hate” by hating.

“We don’t make assumptions about people” by making assumptions about people.

Guess what? People are allowed to dislike this actress, or any other actor/actress, who feels the need to trash classic beloved films because they are “old”, and not be called an “ist” word by a goddamn obnoxious know it all preachy 2020’s white liberal.

How about tell some new stories/make some new movies instead of trashing/ridiculing all of the classic ones that are a million times better than anything they could dream of making.
