MovieChat Forums > Joss Whedon Discussion > Did the accusations against him feel nat...

Did the accusations against him feel natural or calculated?

I don’t know. The way they all just popping up out of nowhere, from people whose careers were mostly dead and were now getting the most attention they got in years, the whole thing feels fishy


They are calculated. Look at Charisma Carpenter. She always talked about a bad work relationship with Joss Whedon,but before the MeToo,she talked about it in a very different tone. It was more like "yeah we fought because of my pregnancy and the story complications,but in the end we made up,and my final episode in Angel was beautifully written by him". Then,in 2021,the story of their work relationship remained the same,but the tone changed,it became "He is a monster11". So yeah it was only a move by Charisma to have her 15 seconds of fame again. The fact with this Joss situation is that he is hated by both the right-wing Snyder fanboys and the woke lefties,so because they dont like him they believe to every accusation towards him. People with some common sense that can see that this is all bulls**t are rare nowadays.


I agree.

A lot of these people have no issue getting paid millions to go to work with this person but years later will moan.

No one forces an adult to be a tv/movie star.

The other issue is how people are now judged using todays standards when it was different in the past.

People that wait decades to come out with these types of claims I don't believe and this is why so many group together.

People can be very soft now days you can not even have a laugh/joke because some one will take offense and report it


It's a fix! He went from being the golden boy of Hollywood to pariah number 1. I don't know what he did to piss off the overlords who run the world, but he definitely didn't bend the knee the way he was supposed to.


Maybe people are waking up to his bullshit, and decided to fight back. He pissed off his costars by treating them poorly, it has nothing to do with pissing off thr “overlords who run the world”


All the greatest filmmakers treat their staff and talent like worms to be ground underfoot. Some of them like Hitchcock and Kubrick are still celebrated for it to this day. If you're not making people cry you're not making good art.




ahhh. you mean the victims are all dead. just so.
