Is she a fraud?

I've read an wikipedia article about the so-called "impostor syndrome" - it's when an accomplished person feels like a fraud and doubts his achievements.
There's also a list with several celebrities suffering from this syndrome, and Emma's name is listed there, with a link to an interview where she declared: "Any moment, someone’s going to find out I’m a total fraud. I can’t possibly live up to what everyone thinks I am."

So, do you think that she's a fraud or she really has the impostor syndrome?


Oh, Emma's name is listed? Hmm.


She did ALL of the work that was required of her? Fraud, I think not.


Emma was born at the right time because she's a sexual fixture of boys a little younger, men her age, and men a bit older who jerked off to her 10 year old self in Harry Plotter. Her fame also happened right at the ripening dawn of social media and mass media access to billions of fans around the world FAR MORE than any previous movie sweetheart from years past.

She feels like a fraud because a majority of her audience who isn't British think she's mega intelligent due to her posh English accent when back in England she sounds as bland as Jennifer Lawrence when she plays a Kentucky hick.
