MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > So what crime was he intending to commit...

So what crime was he intending to commit or cover up with his business records?

Normally, he would get misdemeanor (second degree) with falsified business records and payments... but apparently he was trying to do something else illegal since it went up to felony. Any ideas on what this crime that he was allegedly trying to commit might have been? I don't think I'm clear on that one.


He's a felon!

That's all you need to know.

And if you ask about Clinton paying Paula Jones you're deflecting!


He's an attack on our sacred democracy. This is why democrats can never leave power, it's in the name. Come on Jack, I got hairy legs


Falsifying tax records, election finance fraud.


Nobody is, including esteemed legal pundits who followed the trial very closely and some of which even personally sat in on it. It wasn't revealed until the judge's final instructions to the jury, after the defense had rested and could no longer do anything, and even then it was still murky. Said legal pundits all agreed that was a clear violation of Trump's constitutional right to due process and the #1 reason to have the verdict overturned on appeal.
