MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Confused tRump says Republicans "eat the...

Confused tRump says Republicans "eat their young"

...the teleprompter obviously stated the expression "eat their own."


Thanks for talking about Trump and not that other guy.


Can you imagine if President Biden had said something like that? Republicans would be calling for him to be removed from office!!


Err, no, we wouldn't. It's a minor mistake. Very different from the shit we've seen from Biden.


Like 91 criminal charges
6 bankruptcies
4 indictments
2 impeachments
1 convicted company
1 fake charity shut down
1 fake university shut down
26 sexual assault allegations $25 million fraud settlement
$5 million sexual abuse verdict $2 million charity abuse judgment
4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes.


I doubt that BIDEN personally is responsible for all of that. THe impeachments were really ginned up by the congressional dems and the treasonous fbi agents, for one example.


I wonder who's responsible for all that......hmmmm...., lessee..


Congressional dems? Treasonous fbi agents? THEY are responsible for their actions.


Oh OK, thx for clearing that up

Btw, kraken trial on 10/23


tRump probably "eats his young" with a side of ketchup. LOL!!


[–] xanthas (2312) an hour ago
tRump probably "eats his young" with a side of ketchup. LOL!!
Wait, wait, wait....This has been a DJT talking point about abortion!
Trump, “You have some states that are allowed to kill the child after birth, and you can’t allow that,” Trump insisted.

“Look, the Democrats are able to kill the baby after birth,” he doubled down.

“Even after birth, you’re allowed to terminate the baby,”
he claimed.
His name is Donald Trump and he approves that message! 🗽👍🗽


Yep! With Old Donnie, every accusation is a confession!
