MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What if Biden said this today…..,

What if Biden said this today…..,

What would your reaction be?




If we had a fair justice system he would be behind bars by now.


What are the charges and crimes again?


Inciting insurrections, bribery, treason, colluding with foreign governments. There’s plenty to choose from.


You must have good factual evidence for that.
Where did you get it?


I already posted evidence for it, you just refused to read it because it didn’t give you the answer you wanted.



He got away from saying “You ain’t black, if you vote for Trump“ so probably no reaction from anyone.


That’s awful!!
Too bad we have the first amendment


Too bad it doesn't apply to everyone equally.


Talk to Rudy about that


Right now you people are literally indicting Trump for something he said. The first amendment only applies to the left.


Ok, but this isn’t a first amendment indictment but you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t
read the indictments


Everything he said was protected speech, your burden of proof is to somehow prove what he thought at the time. Good luck with that.


If I told you to seriously kill my wife, would that be protected speech in a court of law?


False equivalence, Trump didn’t tell anyone to do anything illegal. He clearly said to “march peacefully and patriotically”. The left however has frequently told their mob to victimize and murder innocent people or in your analogy “kill my wife”


What about the fake elector scheme?
What about Mike Pence?
What about those phone calls ?


So now we’re moving to a different subject?


The indictments aren’t about free speech
It’s about scheming to steal the election


And yet even after over 2 years of witch hunts you still haven’t made one nanometer of progress. And it’s his political opponents Justice system going after him, it’s clearly meant to keep him from running. In the meantime you are suspiciously silent about the far left sending death threats to Trump electors to overturn the 2016 election.


Department of Justice (.gov) › US...PDF
Case l:23-cr-00257-TSC Document 1 Filed 08/01/23 Page 1 of 45


?????? You might want to check the link you posted.

You people need to seek help for your TDS, it’s getting beyond dangerous now that you are using the justice system to cripple your political rivals. These indictments are 100% political, it’s not about justice, it’s about protecting Diaper Joe.


My bad. Here is the correct link:


And the only evidence you have is his speech where he told the crowd to march “peacefully and patriotically” which is 100% protected under the first amendment. The indictment is unconstitutional. Not to mention Diaper Joe and other far left radicals are directly responsible for the 2020 BLM riots and the assault on the Supreme Court. Not to mention BLM has invaded the Oklahoma Capitol to impede the legislative process. But I guess those scenarios were (D)ifferent.


If you're right, it might help you argue your points if you know the other sides arguments.

"Know your enemy!" RATM


Don’t worry, I know the far left talking points a lot better than you do.


I just think it's odd you're fighting so hard and seem passionate in Trump's innocence but don't care enough to read the actual indictment.


We all understand what you’re going after him for. You’ve been screaming about it non stop for the past 2 and a half years.


Definitely NOT a violation of "Free Speech" Indictment. 🤣


It very much is. Trump did not tell the crowd to do anything illegal, he clearly said to “March peacefully and patriotically”, you are trying to connect the dots (very poorly btw) to the conclusion that you want which is that he incited a “riot”, all in the meantime you are ignoring or making excuses for the riots your cult leaders have directly incited. This is clearly unconstitutional, you’ve been trying for 2 years to connect President Trump to 1/6 and so far you’ve failed miserably.


[–] nooneimportant (137) 19 minutes ago
It very much is.
No it very much remains that the charges in the "Speaking" Indictment does not refer to anything in regards to 1st Amendment violations.
Trump did not tell the crowd to do anything illegal, he clearly said to “March peacefully and patriotically”,
You are mounting a public relations Court-Of-Public-Opinion defense against something that DJT is not charged with, YET.
you are trying to connect the dots (very poorly btw) to the conclusion that you want which is that he incited a “riot”,
In this you are correct. The DOJ via Jack Smith has not presented any "dots" in the "Speaking" Indictment as evidence that DJT broke laws related to Insurrection, Sedition, Indecent Exposure, or littering for the J6 Insurrection.

If not for DJT's "rally", the J6 attack on the capital would NOT have happened. Put a pin in that statement and keep that in mind. 🤔
all in the meantime you are ignoring or making excuses for the riots your cult leaders have directly incited.
You're going to have to be more specific.

What "riots" have been directly incited or ignored?
What excuses have been made and by whom?
Has this been done televised?
In Court?
Via Congressional hearing?
Who are the so-called "Cult" leaders that are being worshipped and followed?
This is clearly unconstitutional,
What part of the USA Constitution has been broken and by whom?
you’ve been trying for 2 years to connect President Trump to 1/6 and so far you’ve failed miserably.
Ahem, Where was DJT on January 6th?
Who was speaking to a crowd on Jan 6th?

Let me help you on this one: There were 12 Speakers not including DJT at his rally/speech:

1. Mo Brooks
2. Katrina Pierson
3. Amy Kremer
4. Vernon Jones
5. Ken Paxton
6. Lara and Eric Trump
8. Kimberly Guilfoyle
9. Donald Trump Jr.
10. Madison Cawthorn
11. Rudy Ghouliani
12. John Eastman

DJT's KFC stained fingerprints are all the dots needed to connect him to J6 and all that transpired before J6 and after J6.

Soon the dots will be filled in to what DJT was doing for 187 minutes during his "Dereliction of Duty" as the already FIRED Commander-In-Chief. ☑️


President Trump did NOT tell the crowd to “storm the capitol” or do anything illegal. The best you can hope for is you somehow prove that President Trump knew the election was fair (which we now know it wasn’t), and that is one hell of a burden of proof.

As for if it hadn’t been for President Trumps speech 1/6 wouldn’t have happened that is totally irrelevant. President Trump told the crowd to peacefully protest which is constitutionally protected. The fact that a couple of bad apples in the crowd decided to break a few windows has nothing to do with anything he said or did. If the far left had been more open about the election and had calmly reassured us it was fair (which they couldn’t) then by your logic 1/6 wouldn’t have happened either.

The 574 violent BLM/Antifa insurrections of Summer 2020 were all directly incited by prominent liberals such as Biden, Harris, Pelosi, etc. Biden told his mob that the police were the “enemy” which means “go kill them”, Harris told us that the riots “shouldn’t stop”, Pelosi said she didn’t care if people rioted or not (a complete 180 btw when it comes to President Trump)

President Trump being in DC on 1/6 is irrelevant, you have to prove that he A) Knew the election was fair (which it wasn’t) and B) That he told the crowd to be violent (which he also didn’t)

On the other hand we have concrete proof that many high profile liberals told BLM and Antifa to burn down cities and kill people.

Of those 12 people you need to find A) Evidence that they knew the election was fair (which it wasn’t) B) That they told the crowd to be violent (which they didn’t) and C) That President Trump was somehow connected to the violent rhetoric that didn’t happen.

This is another nothing burger, this is another far left witch hunt with one intention: To prevent Trump from running again. This is another example of the far left using the justice system against their political opponents. All this proves is how low the left is willing


to sink and how evil they have become.

You people need to stop throwing your little temper tantrums over 1/6, it was a tea party compared to every single BLM/Antifa insurrection during Summer 2020. Far left terrorists murdered over 20 people and Biden, Harris, Pelosi, etc. fingerprints are all over it. They called for far left terrorism all to back up their lies and false narratives. People died because of Biden’s lies. They are all murderers.


I have a solution for you. The logic you used to excuse the lies made by Trump just use the same logic to excuse Biden and you should be fine.



Does this mean you people will stop using the Justice system to sabotage his campaign? Or does this mean you are ready to get behind indicting Biden and Harris?


Aren't you exhausted from making excuses for Trump all the time? Millions of Americans watched live on TV what exactly happened on Jan 6. That's why Trump is facing felony charges for being a traitor. I can't wait to see your excuses after Trump is convicted.


Not making excuses at all. You people are abusing the Justice system for political purposes. For 2 years we saw the selectively edited footage that was approved by Pelosi but after we saw the full footage it turns out it was a mostly peaceful protest. In the meantime Biden and Harris have not been punished for their roles in the increment of the BLM insurrections.

You people after 2 years of a fake J6 committee witch hunt still have not produced one shred of evidence that Trump did anything illegal and that was when he didn’t even have the power to cross examine.


You're stupidity and gullibility is astounding. Trump is facing dozens of felony charges for being a traitor so why are you okay with that? Trump will get plenty of time to cross examine whatever in court. That's how it works. These are real charges against Trump and there is plenty of evidence. You'll see. Give me your address and I'll send you some tissues. You're going to need them.


He’s facing “dozens of felony” charges by the far left who were out to get him from day 1. They are indicting him because they dont’ want him to run again and they are still pissing pants over losing in 2016. Biden is literally guilty of everything you people are accusing Trump of and more. You had 2 years with your fake witch hunt J6 committee to pin it on him and you didn’t make one nanometer of progress, and this was when Trump couldn’t cross examine. And I don’t need tissues, I handle far left terrorism with a strong attitude, you people however literally needed cry rooms and safe spaces so save the tissues for yourself.



No response? I can’t wait to see this epic evidence that you people have that is going to get Trump this time that you didn’t have during the 2 years when failed miserably to get him when he didn’t even have the power to cross examine.


[–] [–] nooneimportant (136) 4 days ago
Right now you people are literally indicting Trump for something he said. The first amendment only applies to the left.
Someone has already explained this to you but NONE of the charges that DJT is facing have ANYTHING to do with his right to say words. DJT is being charged by everyday citizens with:
Case 1:23-cr-00257-TSC Document 1 Filed 08/01/23 Page 1 of 45


Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
Count 2: 18 U.S.C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 3: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 4: 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)


Thanks for that, now maybe they'll shut up and read


I doubt it.


They already claim Bidens a dictator because he used colors they didnt like in his state of the union speech. They would cry even more


Biden is a career politician and knows what is expected of him to be presidential. Trump and presidential is an oxymoron. This is why Trump constantly opens his mouth and inserts foot.


Biden sure knows how to put America Last if that what you mean by “presidential”, he sure knows how to incite riots and insurrections not to mention selling political favors to his buddies in the Chinese and Russian governments.
