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Buddy with National Enquirer

Why does it make perfect sense that DJT is buddies with the Nat Enquirer while he always refers to the Washington Post and NY Times as "failing"? Bezos may have acted badly in his marraige, but he's admitting to his transgression, something Donny could never force himself to do. He'd tell ten lies before he'd even equivocate. Heck, he's proud of his infidelity.


Well think about it....he palled around with Howard Stern, appeared in a John Derek softcore porn movie (NOT in a porn role I hope!) and buddied up to Tom "Deflategate" Brady.

Are you really surprised that he'd be friends with the owner of the National Enquirer?


He better be friends with them. He paid them enough for the file they had on him.


Its actually kinda simple. Think of who the type of people are that regularly buy and read the Enquirer and listen to Fox News. They are morons that are easily duped. You can tell them anything and they will buy it. That was Trump's strategy from the beginning.


Trump used National Enquirer to blackmail various persons non gratis before he ran for the Presidency, while he was running for the Presidency, and as President. Jeff Bezos - a legitimate billionaire and globally successful businessman - was the wrong person to target for blackmail. Federal prosecutors are looking at the documents Bezos has right now.


This is a big "who cares" aside, but the pro hockey player and dreamboat Jaromir Jagr was photographed sleeping with some woman (literally sleeping), and the woman threatened to release the picture if he didn't pay her some money. Jagr wasn't even married to anyone. He didn't give a crap what she did, haha ! XD


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