MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Ex-Seal commander who led mission to kil...

Ex-Seal commander who led mission to kill Bin laden attacks Trump

An ex-Navy Seal commander blasted Donald Trump's attacks on the media as the 'greatest threat to democracy' in his lifetime . The ex-Navy Seal commander blasted Donald Trump's attacks on the media as the 'greatest threat to democracy' in his lifetime. 'I stand by my comment that the President's attack on the media is the greatest threat to our democracy in my lifetime.

It was suspected that McRaven is a guy who was a Hillary Clinton lover.

Pete from SNL, who is also a Clinton lover mocked a veteran who lost an eye during an IED blast.

He said that there are "some gross people" running and mockingly described Gov. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), among others.

Davidson then gave his description of Dan Crenshaw (R), who lost his right eye in an IED blast in Afghanistan.

Liberals are so proud of themselves today that they think its funny to make fun of people who might look different. We truly live in a sad time when its ok to mock people for the color of their skin.


As a current and former President, I am saddened that someone would just attack the President like this.

As for Pete, that was just terrible. Its never funny to make fun of a persons appearance.


Welcome back Mr President. I still don't get the point of someone attacking the President, especially someone that is in the military. They are supposed to be neutral but I guess its cool and hip now to attack our President. The majority of people here mock the President and his family on a daily basis. Could you imagine what would happen if someone said the same things about Obama?


Thank you Bubba, its good to see Jabbas haven't abandoned me. I spoke to Obama once. He said no can talk bad about him or they get sent to Uranus.


Good point but I think there are worst places to get sent to than Uranus. How about the snuke?


At least you and your socks are just posting to each other in this topic, we need more self-contained ones like this where your socks are the only participants.

Not like anyone else here wants to chime in on this obvious trolling bullshit thread.


If thats what you want to believe. I see you are avoiding the subject by throwing out false claims.


Hehe. You and your sock. Actually McRaven refuted the president hours later by saying he didn't back any candidate in 2016. This was confirmed in a 2016 article in New Yorker when he was acting chancellor at University of Texas and said he did not want to take sides.

"I admire all presidents, regardless of their political party, who uphold the dignity of the office and who use that office to bring the nation together in challenging times," McRaven said.

Funny how you and your sock find criticism of your Fuhrer "sad". It's called "democracy" and living in a free society.


The President is sad for you.


Your Fuhrer doesn't care.




Uh oh, another post deleted.
