MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Democrats outspend Republicans again

Democrats outspend Republicans again

Republicans used to be the country club party. But large corporations have all shifted to Democrat. What's really interesting is that it was the more well funded Republicans who lost and the more independent ones who won. They have completely lost their grip. The Democrats on the other hand have a stranglehold. Their ideal is not Scandinavia. It's Brazil. It's bad for everyone when the parties are not competitive and if you think it can be fixed with campaign finance reform (aka the media gets to decide our elections), that's the problem. Telemundo isn't going to teach anyone about muh social democracy. Hillary 2020.


Beto and Cortez spent over $200m this year, only just to lose. What a waste of money.


Alexandria Ocathio Corteth won uncontested. She could probably spend the rest of her life in office now and die as the longest serving rep of all time, unless she gets greedy and tries to run for higher office or something. "Greedy Jewish landlords". Is there a different Cortez you're talking about?




Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, thats her, I meant to say they both spent a lot of money. Cortez, who grew up in Westchester NY was already wealthy. Your right though, she has punched a lifelong meal ticket if she plays her cards right. Although its possible the Dems get her to run for President in 2020.


Westchester is a bit more upscale than the Bronx, but she did not have anywhere near a wealthy upbringing. Also, she made around $26,000 last year. She and Beto brought in the cash because their brand of populism does extremely well with small, non-corporate, donations. It is funny though how you and the right criticize her for having too much money for her middle-class voting base, yet those voters are of the same class that Trump has been schmoozing for years. Oh, and the right also criticized Bernie, who's been in politics for over 40 years, for having a house worth a million dollars.

However, she won't be eligible for president in 2020 due to her age.


$26,000 is not believable. She would have had to be working unskilled only part time and on multiple welfare programs. Doesn't she own a publishing business? There was a scandal where she had been seen in old pictures wearing $3,000 suits, and complaining about high taxes.

As I suspected and as Keelai pointed out, she only spent $2 million which is probably near the bottom. You're trying to write your own narrative about a "brand" of populism as if we don't notice in the same sentence you criticize Trump's even more successerul brand of populism. It's just populism.


Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and was endorsed by the group.

Her platform includes abolishing ICE, an 'assault weapons' ban, universal guaranteed employment and a $15 minimum wage, and Medicare for all.

Socialists? Sounds wonderful. The people trying to get into America are from Democratic Socialist Countries.


Her mother is a school bus driver and housekeeper. That's not wealthy.

She worked as a waitress and bartender even though she graduated from college. She's working-class. Ocasio-Cortez spent close to $2 million which isn't a lot in politics. Most money came from regular folks.

There are people on food stamps in "wealthy" suburbs.


There were four other political challengers including Joseph Crowley though they weren't much competition.


45% of Betos O'Rourke's donations were small contributors, aka regular folks.

61.96% of Ocasio-Cortez's donations were small contributors of $1.1 million which is almost nothing in political campaigns. $1.8 total.

Democrats are much more popular countrywide because nationalist Trump has rebranded the Republican Party as the party of hate.


And you shut those three stooges -thrillhouse, bubba and butthurt - right down. lol!



They can't deal with facts.




Trump holds the record for small donations.

Look, the whole point of this thread is that the Republicans broke free of Bush whereas the Democrats are falling even further in line under Clinton picking up the slack. Neo-cons are endorsing you for goodness sake.

Rourke lost, like Sanders. But it's a good start. Put up more people like him and fewer people like Nancy Pelosi.

Dont go into NPC mode, talking about "hate", that's not even the right word. The word is "hatred". It makes me think you're not telling the truth about how you feel. You're acting as enforcer for the corporations you claim to oppose. These are people who literally have secret meetings to groom people like Kamala Harris for president. Trump is going to talk about class privlidge. Are you really going to counter with talking about cis-privlidge?


"Trump holds the record for small donations."

Sorry, but I don't believe working-class people giving their hard-earned money to a multi-billionaire is smart.

You're delusional about breaking free from anything. Rich donors had threatened to withhold donations to the Republican Party unless they received a tax break. The top 1% received 83% of the tax break!

The rest of us are paying for that tax break for the rich. In my state, middle-class Republicans are fuming because their taxes went up so they voted for Democrats during the mid-terms turning red districts into blue.

hate vs hatred. You're playing semantics.

NPC? Sorry, but that is literally the lamest "insult" I ever heard. there's something very nerdy about it. Try harder.

I never said that I oppose corporations which employ millions. Unlike you, I acknowledge that large corporations and rich people are the ones who really control the government through lobbying and donations. Trump is one of them and couldn't care less about you. Just ask any of his contractors that he stiffed or former Trump University students who were cheated out of their money.

"These are people who literally have secret meetings to groom people like Kamala Harris for president."

I hope you don't believe that candidates come out of the womb with that knowledge. All candidates are taught and given advice on how to run a successful campaign. Unfortunately, some of Trump's campaign advisors have been indicted.
