MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Day 600: T-rump's approval rating drops ...

Day 600: T-rump's approval rating drops below 40%

Amid the coverage of Omarosa's and Bob Woodward's book the past few weeks, not to mention the op-ed in the New York Times from his superhero staff member, T-rump's approval ratings continue to drop faster than the fat kid on the see saw.

He's currently at 39.9% on his 600th Day in Office, a record indeed for any sitting president. What a failure! What a disaster! What an embarrassment!


Whatever's gone right in this country over the last nearly two years happened in spite of Trump, not because of him. More and more people are realizing that.

And of course quite a lot is not going right.


His dismal approval ratings is everything Rethuglikkkans hoped Obama's would be when he was President.


Imo he's not doing any worse. He's so far been a good janitor after he took over from Obama where the economy so far is stable and doing well. The point is however on how long this will last or when it will cool off.


Obama was the janitor except he ruined america.


Best Compilation- People Who Laughed at TRUMP...and said he would never be President - FUNNY!


And according the books "Unhinged", "Fire and Fury", and "Fear", as well as the op-ed piece last week in the New York Times, he's President in 'title only'. So those people mentioned above were dead-on.


According to the books "The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama", and "How Obama Betrayed America....And No One Is Holding Him Accountable", and "The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama". Obama was a false president, which means he was not a president at all.


I’m curious, as I’m not familiar with those titles at all...

Which of those books made it to the top of the NYT best seller list?

Which of those books was written by a senior staffer in the White House, or anyone who had complete access to the President or his staff?



That doesn't answer the questions. I'm wisely assuming that the answer to both questions is "none", unlike the T-rump books.


Trump is still President and your salty tears will season my steak.


That's not encouraging to know while patriotic Americans are crying over the demise of their beloved country, Rethuglikkkans are eating steak and not caring about our country. November is not that far away.


Day 607...


piss off, troll


Lemmy is that you?


And he's back at 40% of approval from 39% on day 601. My Gosh, what a huge jump!


Jump Jump, member that song?


.and said he would never be President - FUNNY!

He lost by nearly 3 million votes.

The U.S. ravaged the Middle East to bring democracy and fair elections, something that the U.S. doesn't even practice.




I love you salty salty tears! I will save them for 2020.


Same pollsters that had Hillary with a 98% chance to win huh?

Still falling for those I see.


Same pollsters that had Hillary with a 98% chance to win, without T-rump getting help from Russia to interfere with our elections.


Trolls can't think of anything more than talking about Hillary non-stop, even after 600 days.

Either you guys have zero creativity and matching brainpower, or you're just misogynists.

Take your pick.


She lives in their heads rent free 365 days a year.


Says the spanners that posts everyday on the Donald J. Trump board and has 8,257 posts.

major z0mg!


He’s the President. She’s not. Why wouldn’t we post on him, as he Tweets all day long and considers that running the country?


I know he is the President and you are more than welcome to complain for the next 6 years.
