MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why do liberals suddenly like John McCai...

Why do liberals suddenly like John McCain?

seems odd...


Do you find it odd conservatives 'suddenly' despise John McCain? Just like they suddenly despised Omarosa, Cohen and Pecker?


I don't know, libbys be weird and stuff ya'll.


The media loved McCain because he was a 'maverick' Republican, right up to Obama's nomination in 2008, when they had a new idol, then when it was certain that he was not going to run again for POTUS, and he became a 'maverick' again, he got their love back. Same with the other liberals.


I dont think its that they love him, the question is more about why the president has to act like a total douchebag at every chance.


I have always had respect for John McCain. Never had much reason to rave about him since he chose to be a Republican, but he's one of the only persons of that ilk I could appreciate, i.e., not a boot licker for fox and the koch brothers. A principled person.

Why do wrong wingers always presume to know what liberals are doing and why they are doing it? I always hear Liberals are "this way", in some demeaning fashion. Utter made-up crap, insulting to every intelligent person out here, regardless of political stripe. Good god, the republican party has NOTHING to be proud of, yet they spout off how crummy people who don't agree with them are. Completely empty and ridiculous.

And the man just passed away. Some people are thoughtful about that. I'm surprised Trump didn't repeat his insult of McCain's service and imprisonment -- "He got caught. I like people who don't get caught." Too bad he doesn't like half of his administration, getting caught by the week.


What people have forgotten in the age of Trump is that you can disagree with a person on many issues but still respect and even like them. There were many things I disagreed with John McCainmon but I never doubted his dedication and love for the United States.


John McCainmon wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare and when he got the chance he voted no. Why? I think it was out of spite.


Or maybe he knew repealing it without a viable alternative (the rushed the healthcare package the republican said threw together would have left many people uninsured) would be disastrous for many Americans. Spite is Donald Trump's game. The problem is he views the entire world as being just as petty and spiteful as he is when that's not the case.


I feel he can't understand why John McCain was respected by many people.


That's one of the biggest problems with Trump is he's created the illusion that everyone is as petty as he is. And that illusion is becoming a reality because not only are his supporters following suit, but many on the far left are as well. Not sure if things will ever get better but I'm certain that they will get worse before that's even possible.


Lol was wondering why you had spelled it "McCainmon" and I see that I had misspelled it in my post (no idea how). That's pretty funny.


See, you lie.

We all know you NEVER think.


He was a good man. A man who fought for his country here and abroad. A man who was not spineless. He spoke the truth and could admit when was wrong. He's a man I will miss. God bless you.


Liberals always had a certain amount of respect for McCain, despite different views.
