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Imagine when T-rump supporters wake up from their coma?

Can you imagine the day when T-rump supporters start waking up from their T-rump coma, and realize they were duped into hating football and their Harley Davidsons, and now proud members of the Kanye West fan club? LOL!


Even if that were to happen, they would never admit it openly. Most of them, anyway.

PS: I doubt most of them will ever wake up from the orange matrix. Ignorance is bliss and they possess plenty of it.


Lol! They’re such a sorry species.


Yeah, they didn't take the red or blue pill--they took the orange pill. Instead of Morpheus they'll see David Duke.


Pro sports fanaticism is creepy and weird, I'm glad I'm awake from it. I don't hate the game of football, I play it.

Cant comment on Harley's. Not a fan bike fan.

Been a fan of Kanye since 2007. You should really judge people individually, the world really doesn't work the way you want it to, and I hope it never does.


You should really judge people individually, the world really doesn't work the way you want it to, and I hope it never does.

What's wrong with judging people in one big brush-stroke like T-rump and the GOP does?



Because in his mind Trump can do no wrong.






nope, no sports for me this year...



It’s not the T-rump Haters Club. It’s called Loving America Club based on reality, and protecting our democracy. But you would have to give up loving racism and Fascism. Can you do it? Most T-rump supporters can’t.


The only nightmare i can envision is finding out I was in a coma and Queenie Hillary actually won.

Don't care much for football anymore. i simply don't feel like investing three hours to watch mostly beer and car commercials for a game which takes 60 minutes played by mostly overpaid preening egomaniacs. (Well that IS capitalism at work, You can get paid what the market allows)
I also don't have the time since I work a lot of nights and weekends.

Motorcycles? I don't care if folks enjoy them, but they make one hellacious noise when the local motorcycle clubs ride through our neighborhood,

Kanye West? Wouldn't recognize him if he sat on my front porch.


If Hilldog had won, nothing would have changed. All of Obama's policies would have carried over.
