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T-rump knew all about the 2016 'Trump Tower' meeting with Russians

CNN has reported (as other networks - except FOX - have confirmed) that Michael Cohen knew all about the infamous 'June 2016 Trump Tower Meeting' with an offer from the Russians to get 'dirt on Hillary Clinton'. Not only did he know, but he knew weeks before the meeting took place, he encouraged Donnie Jr - who could now face perjury charges for lying to the Senate Judiciary committee last year, saying he never told his father about the meeting - to take the meeting. "It was such a nothing, there was nothing to tell. It was a waste of 20 minutes", Donnie Diapers later said on "Hannity".

According to this bombshell by CNN:

Cohen's claim would contradict repeated denials by Trump, Donald Trump Jr., their lawyers and other administration officials who have said that the President knew nothing about the Trump Tower meeting until he was approached about it by The New York Times in July 2017.

Cohen alleges that he was present, along with several others, when Trump was informed of the Russians' offer by Trump Jr. By Cohen's account, Trump approved going ahead with the meeting with the Russians, according to sources.

Cohen has no recordings of this, but is willing to testify that Donnie Jr told T-rump about the meeting, and T-rump approved of it.


give it a rest, dude,
you post multiple threads every day about trump,
we get it, you hate him because you don't understand his brilliance and forward-thinking ideas/policies/morals,
but please, take a few days off from whining


LOL! Give it a rest? This President makes history for all the wrong reasons each and every day, and you want Americans to ignore this? You must be a FOX I'll comfort you with other breaking news you will find acceptable:

While the networks were reporting this as the news was breaking, over on FOX NEWS they had an 'exclusive interview' with Roseanne. They even had a "FOX NEWS ALERT" banner below the screen, saying "Roseanne apologizes to Valerie Jarrett".

There, feel better?


i don't even believe you are a US citizen to be perfectly honest


You mean that didn’t make you feel better? Awwww


i'm right,
this loser whining about trump all day every day isn't even a part of our great nation!!


Did you watch the exclusive Roseanne interview ? FOX viewers found it to be 'amazing'. I'm sure you will, too. Hannity should receive a Noble Peace Prize for his interview with her. He was 'amazing'. Maybe he can get the one which they set aside for T-rump and won't be needing any longer?


i don't like roseanne, fox news, or sean hannity,
nor do i like your use of "t-rump,"
what i do like is that you're not a USA citizen and i have been heartily laughing about that 13 hours now


“I didn’t have any Vitamin B because I can’t absorb minerals, so I was terribly emotionally unbalanced, and I felt myself to be so, and I told ABC that I knew I needed to get my meds checked because I knew I was in trouble. So there’s that,” Roseaane said to Hannity. “And I wasn’t completely coherent when I woke up at 2 and wrote that tweet.”

Are you lacking your Vitamin B, too? Is that why you're not making sense?


commie scum


I thought you liked T-rump? Now you’re calling him commie scum?


Hope Cohen testifies. The adultery will not bring Trump down it will have to be something illegal.


If there was indeed the payoffs to Stormy and McDougal when he was the one who was illegally interfering with the election results. So yes, the adultery could indeed bring him down, as well.


Paying off his mistresses during an election is the only chance to find him guilty. They won't get him on any Russian collusion no matter how obvious it is. Ain't happening.


Next to the Helsinki Fiasco, THIS is the real news of the past week. The case for collusion now has a witness willing to testify that Trump had knowledge of and was willing to use (and did) Russian help to win the election. And Mueller has certainly subpoenaed Donnie Jr's phone records to find out who was the recipient of the blocked call he made during the meeting, which is probably 99.9% sure it was his father. Just another straw on the bowing camel's back of the "no collusion" defense, soon to break.


They mentioned last night there were leaks about the them also planning on subpoenaing Hope Hicks ('member her?) for this new development. She's the one who tried to cover up the meeting and lied to the public, as well.

What a tangled web we weave...

Curious that FOX NEWS didn't report this at all last night. But their viewers did learn that Roseanne's comment about Valerie Jarrett was not meant as racist - Hannity and Roseanne said so themselves.


Ah, good ol' Fox News...they always know what's REALLY important to report on!

I know Hicks was subpoenaed and appeared at one of those joke-hearings where she "declined" to answer a lot of questions, but I wonder if Mueller has talked to her yet. This is definitely a case where the cover-up is as damning as the crime itself, and I'm sure Hopey has a lot to say about it.


Last night they kept replaying the recording of T-rump from a year ago, when he was interviewed by the NY Times. He was saying such statements as, 'I didn't know about that meeting until two or three days ago. I wasn't involved with it. It sounded important - I guess it was important. I didn't know anything about it until a few days ago.'

And Diapers was commenting on 'Hannity' a year ago, that he 'didn't tell my dad anything about it. It was about adoptions. Nothing important for my dad to know.' However, earlier this year in the book "Fire and Fury", Bannon is quoted as saying that Donnie Diapers ran to his father's office and told him everything about the meeting when he got the first phone call. Seems the book was accurate.


A slight clarification... I read "Fire and Fury" and Bannon doesn't specifically say that Jr. DID run to daddy with news of the meeting, but that considering what a sniveling suck-up he'd always been he'd be willing to bet and believed that that was what happened. Makes a difference in the sense that his testimony would only be opinion about whether that happened.


Ahhh. It's been a while since I read the book, so thanks for the clarification. It is opinion, but boy was he right.


This is the beginning of the end.


It is indeed.

But more importantly - Roseanne has some mental health issues, and she reached out to Valerie Jarrett via "Hannity". She says she wasn't racist at all - no intention of being racist.

Now I wonder - if the T-rump meeting news was about 'President Hillary' taking a meeting with Russians for 'dirt on T-rump', would FOX News be so concerned with Roseanne's mental health while the story was breaking?


We’d be hearing about Hillary and the Russians all day, of course. They’d be getting those impeachment papers ready.
