MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Nolte: Supreme Court Fight Will Increase...

Nolte: Supreme Court Fight Will Increase Violence from Media-Sanctioned Mobs

It's an opinion piece, so don't cry "fake news!". However, it has links to sources, unlike the MSM.

With nothing less than the fate of the Supreme Court at stake, America’s far-left radicals and their enablers in the establishment media are about to turn bullying, intimidation, menacing, and outright violence up to 11.

We witnessed NBC News stars not only comparing Trump to Nazis, but everyday Trump supporters to Nazis; we watched as the media tried to fool people into believing Trump is caging small children; we saw Time magazine publish a fake cover; we have heard words like “Holocaust,” “internment,” and other hyperbolic lies hurled into a country where left wingers have already tried to murder a group of Republican lawmakers playing baseball.

Already the media rhetoric is amped. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is using the term “civil war” approvingly and openly calling for “vengeance“; the disgraced Dan Rather is leading the charge hurling words like “coup“; CNN favorite Michael Avenatti is calling on the mob to “fight like hell” with the hashtag #WhateverItTakes; a Comedy Central writer openly wished for Anthony Kennedy’s assassination…

And this is just the warm-up.


Oh they want to start a civil war??

The anti-gun, anti-establishment, politically correct, tolerant East Coast??

The effeminate/feminized/feminist social justice millennial liberal soy boys???

Bring it on, people.

But we will see a lot more rioting, mobbing, screaming liberals, threats, hysteria and fake news and brainwashing by the media, etc.

The media has been wishing for Trump's assassination since the beginning, folks. He goes against everything they've done to submerge the masses into a fictitious, nonexistent world.


However, it has links to sources, unlike the MSM.

I followed two "links to sources" that looked important... "normalizing" violence, and "outright calling" for violence.

"Normalizing" lead me to a CNN story interviewing a guy who tried to take Trump's microphone away. What violence!

"Outright calling" lead me to another Breitbart story. I then went to the first "source" there and was taken to ANOTHER Breitbart story.

That Breitbart story was about CNN coverage of veterans who become police officers and might not be ready to jump directly into civil peacekeeping after being in a war zone.

The single source about normalizing violence did not lead me to anything about normalizing violence.

The "sources" aka internal chain of Breitbart links regarding "outright calling" for violence did not lead me to anything about calling for violence. I followed the #1 example given in the first part of the chain and it resulted in NIL.

"As we have meticulously documented" -- MY ASS.

Breitbart is incredibly dishonest. No wonder you like it.


Demokkkrat media icon Chris Mathews was calling for civil war. And he’s moderate compared to the long lost of demokkkrat baffoonery that anchor at MSNBCNNABCBS.

Wait til buzzy croaks and Trump gets a 3rd. Lmfao!!!

