MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He's SO MUCH better than Obama!

He's SO MUCH better than Obama!

Every day BO was in office I wanted to puke my guts out. What an embarrassment he was to America! I mean, more than an embarrassment, more like a total failure at everything he put his hand to. And his family was a disgrace. Good old Michelle, the beard, who never ever was proud of America before her "husband" won election because he was really good at reading a teleprompter.

Barack Hussein Obama wouldn't have even made a good third shift manager at a McDonald's off of route 95 somewhere! And I wouldn't have bought a used car from him at some lowlife six car hole in the wall business either. When I think about what he MIGHT have been qualified for I think of things like septic tank repairman assistant and cattle ejaculate collection technician.


stop it, you're giving CEC techs a bad name


Obama himself admitted he wasn't prepared to be president:

Probably the last time he told the truth.


Reminds me of MO telling an interviewer that the first time she was proud to be an American was the day that Obama won the election. It's like someone saying that they never liked gambling until they hit the lottery for 400 million. She's SO shallow.


Well, the Obama's did spend 20 years in a church where the reverend preached about hating America.

They just sat there and soaked it all in.

Twenty years.


michele obam's vagina


Then Trump's slogan of "Make America Great Again" must really go up your arse. Unless you, too, believe that there was period in history where America was not the greatest country in the world ? Which is it ?


Typical conservatard; can't explain why he hates a democratic president besides "I dun don't like 'em!"


As a liberal I can't tell you how many times I've seen a response that starts out "typical libtard.." I hate it but usually ignore it, and even though I disagree with conservatives on most things, I hate hearing terms like "conservatard" or "trumptard" even more. The reason for this is that I want people with largely the same beliefs as me to be better than using petty insults as a crutch for not thinking out an argument well enough. Your posts are your own but I would respectfully suggest you strive to be better than that.


Agreed, conservatives should be allowed to retain their near-monopoly on hatred, racism, misogyny and general insults. Can't let them drag others down to that level.


LOL right and of course it was conservatives that wished death upon Obama and tried to impeach him before he even took office, not to mention boycotting his inauguration along with burning buildings and rioting like a bunch of ISIS terrorists.

You're a crybaby loser, get over it, we won you lost. Learn your place and you will sit in the back seat at least until 2020. You don't matter anymore.


I don't see why the left has such a problem with President Trump, he is a moderate and is governing from the center. He isn't a radical like Obama and Hillary are.
