MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > Lol, now the two brothers are suing him ...

Lol, now the two brothers are suing him too!

I'm sure after he bribed Foxx and had her cronies dismiss his charges, he thought it would all go away. I guess he didn't consider that the two guys he PAID to assault him didn't want to get completely thrown under the bus by his attorney and keep quiet. Add to this his civil suit, I think this racist assholes troubles are just beginning. Having money and connections doesn't make ANYONE above the law, and Americans are sick of seeing it.


I'm sure after he bribed Foxx and had her cronies dismiss his charges, he thought it would all go away.

Anybody with a brain knows some sort of corrupt backroom deal was made, but I honestly don't think Jussie would have any leverage to have bought anyone off.

Without naming any names (because I have no proof), I think Foxx was "asked" to drop the charges from a much higher authority.




