MovieChat Forums > Taylor Sheridan Discussion > This guy is remarkable most of the time,...

This guy is remarkable most of the time, but also capable of....

doing some horrible cliche and trope writing at the same time.

Still, though, I think the high quality of his work greatly exceeds the weaker aspects of it.


He found his niche with Yellowstone and now he knows what notes to hit.


Its extremely hit & miss with Taylor Sheridan
Wind River
Hell or High Water
Sicario 2: Soldado

All great. Top notch.
The rest is not so good -or terrible.


I don't know how he finds the time to work on all of these projects. It seems like he has a new series every few months and it doesn't appear that he's the type to just show up, sell the show and then hand it off. He's the sole credited writer on these Yellowstone spinoffs and there seems to be limited writers on most of the other series he's created. Then he's also doing films and directing. Maybe that's why the cliches creep in because he's just churning it out quickly, but I do find most of what he's done pretty entertaining.


The pace at which he spews out these series is indeed rather odd. Does he have a ghost writer? Or is he using chatgpt-like AI? My statement is based, of course, on the assumption that you are correct in that he is the sole/primary writer for most of these shows.
