MovieChat Forums > Peter Scolari Discussion > I always thought he was the more talente...

I always thought he was the more talented one...

...between him and Tom Hanks. He had the accident of being short, which didn't handicap less nuanced actors, but he always did what I call "little magic." It doesn't necessarily knock you out of your chair, but is better appreciated in close-ups.

Hanks started as, basically, a pratfall comic.

As we say on Twitter, "Fight me!"


I always liked him better than Hanks. As an actor, and even in his looks.


Let me put it like this: I was very sad when Peter died. I won’t shed a drop for Tom. He has long overstayed his welcome.


I followed both Scolari and Hanks around in the 80s because I liked them both so much on Bosom Buddies. I never really liked the low-key humor of Newhart but watched it largely because I liked Scolari and also thought he was cute. I never have thought the same about Hanks though I was pleased when he became a star after Splash and Big.


I've never been a fan of Hanks. I enjoyed Bosom Buddies, but I always liked Scolari more.
