MovieChat Forums > Bernie Sanders Discussion > This site is a dead end

This site is a dead end

As usual, republijerks will assault Bernie while ignoring all the jack-assery that comes out of their mouths constantly. Who needs Universal Health Care? Not the USA ! Everyone here is rich and can afford it ! The rest are just Pigs, Dogs and Sheep !


I was listening to mark le vin in the car on am radio and they are bashing Bernie full force. Saying that people like how universal health care and school will be “free” with good paying jobs, etc., but when the people hear that for these things taxes will be raised, they no longer want them. Bullshit. Notice how he says “taxes will be raised.” Yes taxes will be raised, but mostly for rich people, and you will have ZERO MEDICAL BILLS. Your job will pay you more because they won’t have to pay for insurance for you. Colleges will be paid by a Wall Street Speculation Tax. So yes, taxes will go up a bit for the average person, but household bills will go WAY DOWN.

I’m so sick of these heartless greedy pigs lying to the ignorant masses. 😤



Just because people worked hard and accumulated wealth doesn't give Bernie, you, or anyone else the right to take their money to pay for your free shit. Just because they have it gives you no right to take it! That's stealing. You didn't earn it! Absolute leeches! Bernie and his entire socialist cult, nothing but leeches who thinks the world owes them everything.

You get 12 years of free education, that's plenty. Pay for your college, or don't go. Here's an idea, instead of going to college for stupid shit like liberal arts and bitching because you can't find a job, why don't you take a major that will actually pay off your bills when you get out of college???

I'm sick of this old socialist. I hoped he wouldn't run again, but alas, here we are unfortunately. He and his college aged cult of "free shit for everybody" scares me more than anyone running, including Trump, because there is nothing worse than someone who wants to take away what you have worked for, and now there is a whole legion of kids who know nothing about how the world works who follow this old socialist like zombies to get "free stuff".

It's a shame. Very sad.

I'm not rich by the way, but I have principles. And NO ONE today is being turned away for medical care in this country...that's against the law.


I think it's very short sighted for someone like you to think that all the factors that have helped someone succeed aren't part of taxation. If you made a lot of money off the backs of our citizens, you should pay more in taxes.


If you made a lot of money off the backs of our citizens, you should pay more in taxes.

Precisely how our graduated tax system works, or do you even pay taxes?


If you dont like the US, go move to Venezuela then. You and Bernie would be right at home there. LOL


