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Joe Rogan Responds to Talk of Spotify Censoring His Podcast

He's ignoring the missing podcasts! I guess millions of dollars is more important. Don't rock the boat.

Popular podcaster Joe Rogan and his relationship with the streaming platform Spotify have made headlines in recent weeks, and he addressed some of the controversies during his recent podcast with comedian Tim Dillon. Rogan and Dillon spoke during episode No. 1544 of the Joe Rogan Experience about Spotify employees potentially wanting to censor and edit his podcast.

However, according to the podcaster and UFC commentator, Spotify has not spoken to him about censoring his show or about any internal company dialogue about the situation.

[Quotes from podcast]


Direct segment. If Joe Rogan is transphobic than spotify employees are transfascist.


If this is about his podcast he did with Abigail Shrie, then I really don’t see why anyone would have a problem with it. Several times during the discussion Rogan expressed his support for trans people.


That's displaying a level of logic, understanding, and nuance that is not normally found among these types of complainers.
