MovieChat Forums > King Charles III Discussion > Inbred Spoiled Wanker

Inbred Spoiled Wanker

fuck em, and all of those dumbass brits enabling these clowns... USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!!


You got one for Harry? He fits the bill.


He might not be inbred since his mom wasn't a royal and his dad was some ginger horse instructor she cheated with so cant call him that. he is a ginger tho, so he has no soul


Believe it or not, Diana and Charles were distant cousins. And he doesn't have to have red hair to have sold his soul to the devil. After all, Meghan did that, and she's not a redhead. In fact, according to her old blog, she doesn't like redheads at all, but she liked the one with a princely title to his name.

And yes, he is definitely a wanker.


People's taste change with age.


Meghan will never change. She's a nasty, malignant, spoiled, narcissistic sociopath who has used men for money and power her whole life. She doesn't give two shits about what Harry looks like, so long as him being a prince rakes in the dough. However, that boat has started to sink, and rumor has it she's looking for a new one to look up to so she can abandon him.


yeah that poor redhead was just a stepping stone to further her career, she will leave his ass once his usefulness has run its course, which as u said seems to be the case soon


Yeah, but she's gonna have a problem hooking in some new, rich idiot to leech off of. She's now well-known around the world, and word has gotten around as to how many people she's used and discarded. Word on the street is she tried hooking her claws into an old rich dude named Gordon Getty over in L.A, but his family intervened and scared her off.

If things keep going like that, it'll probably be Harry's family stepping in to bribe her to divorce the ginger wanker so they can cut him free without him directly confronting her. She'll do a Virginia Guffree (can't remember how her name is spelled) and milk them for money every few years whenever she's running low on funds.


Sounds like she is Royal material


Sure, if this was 1300s Italy or 1500s France.


Immature, illiterate Yank bigot.

So much for your education system, and your Politician's, military and economy are a joke.


edumication is for nerds, i played runescape as a child, learned how the economy works, and became a millionaire at age 22 as a college dropout. our government is shit but at least we still have our 2nd Amendment gun rights our forefathers were smart enough to guarantee us in our constitutional. meanwhile u poor british wankers are dodging knife attacks from the millions of third world refugees ur own government imported in too replace you...


I'm British and endorse everything you said. We're not all dumbass tho


I know I am just trolling, I meet many interesting, cool, and funny British people during my travels :)


You speak HIGH TREASON against the KING, TRAITOR! To the TOWER with you! And may your execution be extremely painful!


Give me LIBERTY, or give me DEATH!!!!!



I say, kill the stupid idiots like DMT here.


you cant cause ur kangz a bitch and i got GOD given 2nd Amendment Gun Rights!!! YEEEHAW 🤠


He fell out of a magical twat and you better respect him and know that he is your better.

I mean, just look at all he's accomplished in his 74 years of pampered existence - there's that thing that he did, that other thing, well you get the idea.


