MovieChat Forums > Sinéad O'Connor Discussion > Her ripping up the Pope's picture on SNL...

Her ripping up the Pope's picture on SNL was the beginning of a protracted process of self-destruction

that was in all likelihood completed by suicide.



"that was in all likelihood completed by suicide."

What a dickless pos you are.

Her cause of death has not been announced yet. Even if it was suicide you are scum for posting this thread immediately after her demise. Another anonymous loser taking a dump after a celebrity death.

This, sadly, happens when a celebrity passes away. Nothing to see here. Nothing new or original.

Sinéad O'Connor was a wonderful vocalist.


Agreed! People without talent often post things like this.


Neither of you have anything worthwhile to say. You probably hadn't listened to one of her songs in decades, but now that she is dead, you come here and fake sentimentality.

She sabotaged herself for 30 years beginning with her foolish decision on SNL and this was just the grand finale of an extended suicide.


I'd happily burn 1000 of your precious stupid Bibles if I could, and I wouldn't get in any squat of trouble.


Um, sorry, I don't own any Bibles. Burn a hundred of them and tear up a 6 foot stack of pictures of the pope for all I care.


Your OP comes across as religious to me.


How so? You don't have to be religious to see that deliberately enraging the members of one of the largest religions on earth was a very bad and very self-destructive PR move that totally crippled a promising career.


Oh, I see. I was thinking more of some kind of religious curse rather than career suicide. I have no idea why.


Fuck the Pope


Whatever you think about the pope, you should be smart enough to know that ripping up his photo and calling him the real enemy on live TV in front of an audience of millions is going to wreck your career.


I don't know. I greatly respect her for having the courage to do so, especially considering it was a protest againt diddling children, which we all know was initially covered up. And this is coming from someone who's baptized and confirmed in the church.


How long after the incident was that motivation announced? I remember when she did it, and it just came across as some whacko atheistic statement. I never heard she did it to protest child molesting priests until like yesterday in an article on her death. Sounds like it was a retrofitted explanation to me.


That doesn't change the fact that she came from modest circumstances in Ireland and became a star. She was a great singer. She had a wonderful voice.

You are nothing. Another no talent shitbird posting crud after a celebrity death.


You are nothing. Another no talent shitbird posting crud after a celebrity death.

That doesn't change the fact that she was a Wacko who sabotaged a promising career with one colossally bone-headed, misguided move and then spent the rest of her life hammering nails into her coffin.


So you found it necessary to make these insulting comments immediately following her death?

"Her ripping up the Pope's picture on SNL was the beginning of a protracted process of self-destruction that was in all likelihood completed by suicide."

The cause of death still has not been announced as of this posting (7/30).

I don't like bumping this foul thread. I am doing so to call attention that you are unoriginal. You are nobody.

This happens right after many celebrity deaths. A celebrity dies and an anonymous coward like you searches for smears and insults. RockAway was right. "Agreed! People without talent often post things like this."

Sinéad O'Connor was a great singer. I like her Irish songs in both English and Gaelic. So do many of her fans.



I am doing so to call attention that you are unoriginal. You are nobody.

This happens right after many celebrity deaths. A celebrity dies and an anonymous coward like you searches for smears and insults. RockAway was right. "Agreed! People without talent often post things like this."

That still doesn't change the fact that she was a Wacko who sabotaged a promising career with one colossally bone-headed, misguided move and then spent the rest of her life hammering nails into her coffin.


For all of our society's obsession with people "expressing themselves" and being "nonconfromists" and "weird"...

after a lifetime of watching this, I am increasingly unhappy with how so many of these stories tend to end unhappily.

I little bit more of trying to hold shit together, might be healthier for people.

They are happy to expect us to "look up" to people like O'Conner, when things are going well for them, to learn and emulate, but not when it goes bad, to learn and to avoid.


I little bit more of trying to hold shit together, might be healthier for people.

They are happy to expect us to "look up" to people like O'Conner, when things are going well for them, to learn and emulate, but not when it goes bad, to learn and to avoid.

Bravo! These people throw away their lives and talent with miserable life choices and we are expected to treat them like saints when the inevitable happens.

I would much rather celebrate celebrities who kept their head on their shoulders, had a wonderful, long career, and died in bed at age 95.


