MovieChat Forums > Lori Loughlin Discussion > How does the bribe system result in a de...

How does the bribe system result in a degree?

If your kid isn't smart or hard-working enough to get into a good school, how are they going to be smart enough to do the work once they get there? Is there a system in place to bribe teachers all the way through to graduation and the awarding of a degree?

Damn, how much would THAT cost! It might be cheaper to just buy the university a building, if your kid is a real dolt.


I think in these cases, they take easy majors, I swear to god anyone can graduate with a BA in sociology. Our little OJ here majored in communications, a very easy major. Jodie Foster majored in English, Natalie Portman majored in psychology, look, most actors are not that smart, do you expect their children to be?
Amy Chua who made a fuss with the battle hymn of the tiger mom bs has a daughter in Harvard and guess what she is studying? Art history. Something tells me mom had to pull some strings, if her daughter was super smart, she would not be taking art history.


Most creative people like actors are going to be drawn to majors that are related to creativity or human behavior.
Schools find a way to make students work and study hard with any major. Students I knew had multiple exams weekly along with writing multiple papers. No free time. Just studying and working.

Mayim Bialik is the exception with a PHD in neuroscience.


Most creative people like actors aren't going to be drawn to sitting in a boring lecture hall. Natalie Portman didn't need to go to college. It's all BS. These people are getting Mickey Mouse degrees just like the football players. It's for status.


Most creative jobs require a degree.

Lecture halls are a movie stereotype. Most students are in classes and the discussions can be very interesting especially if it's about something a student enjoys.

I agree that some people are motivated by status especially people like Loughlin. Others attend to challenge themselves especially intellectually. Most attend to get a good paying job or it's a job requirement.

Football players go to college because it's a pathway to the NFL. Scouts look for talent among college football players.

Acting is a fickle profession. The best thing an actor can do is go to college in case acting doesn't work out.


One of my siblings does well in math and took pre-calc in college but would NOT do well in sociology because then she'd have to write essays, and grammar and spelling is not her thing lol. Not every single college student does well with writing essays. English isn't easy if you hate reading, have a hard time with reading comprehension and hate spelling which sums up a LOT of our politicians. Some of my friends who majored in business always did well in math but could not pass the writing section of a tax exam when they had to talk about tax laws.

A lot of actors are interested in psychology because they get told it will help them understand the characters they play. When you major in psychology, you eventually have to take a math statistics class which isn't easy if you hate math. Most people who major in psychology do so because they want to go to grad school to get a master's degree so they can be psychiatrists, diagnose people and prescribe medication. You aren't allowed to be a psychiatrist with just a BA.

Creative people like art, so they'll major in art. I myself cannot draw and don't have the discipline to do what animators do, working on movies frame after frame. I suppose you'll say actors are dumb for majoring in theatre too, even though it's relevant to the job they want and some people do not do well with public speaking (see Chelsea Clinton). I think we all know students that read English passages out loud robotically like they do in high school classes lol.


Cheat. Hire someone to do homework. You don't flunk out with Cs and Ds.


Or sleep with the teacher?

You seem reluctant to acknowledge how deep this goes. This isn't low level cheating. This is a gentlemen's agreement between rich people and the administration. These multibillion dollar institutions don't even have air conditioning in the dorms. But the administrative buildings are palaces. They have magnificent gardens, and fountains. These rich kids never even set foot on campus. Why would they? The college is a degree mill anyway. Yes you do flunk out with Ds. Minimum is C, equivalent to 75 or 2.0. That's what George Bush got. They don't allow you to fail. It looks bad. They have a certain reputation to maintain. Gentlemen's agreement.


Actually, since I haven't followed this case in as much detail as some, I have to ask how deep this DOES go? Because I thought these bribes weren't the old-fashioned donation to the university itself, the kind of legal "gentleman's agreement" donation that results in preferential treatment for the sprog and palatial administrative buildings, these were bribes given to specific coaches or individuals rather than the university as a whole.

And not all of the colleges involved were the kind of gentleman's school where a rich slacker can get a degree with crap grades and a big donation, there was at least one University of California college involved, which I find extremely upsetting, those are state schools where you have to keep your grades up or you're out and someone who works harder gets your spot.


Also brown-nosing.

"You seem reluctant to acknowledge how deep this goes."

Actually I agree with you. There are different rules for the rich and everybody else. Jared Kushner's father donated $2.5 million to Harvard before he was accepted. He was a very mediocre student, too. Loughlin should have donated (bribed) a few million to get her dummy daughters in the school and there wouldn't have been an issue since that's legal.

But most colleges are not Ivy League and most students are not rich. Students who are not rich still have to work and study hard.

D is not a failing grade. A student isn't going to flunk out with 2 or 3 Ds, but it will bring down their grade point average. The school will probably allow them to do a makeup exam or essay.


every elite school has some rich dumbass, but most are smart, fact of life
