MovieChat Forums > Brie Larson Discussion > I was a fan before she was cool.

I was a fan before she was cool.

First time I saw her was in a great TV series called United States of Tara. Been a fan since then.


That's awesome. I had never heard of her before Short Term 12. Even then, I kept getting her mixed up with Alison Brie.


I noticed her in 21 jump street, at the time just thought she was pretty.


What! you didn't see her when she was 8yo on the tonight show? (LOL)

She played a girl scout, I think. She was previewing new toys.(spoof)

There was 'Mudslide malibu barbie', 'Roadkill easybake oven and several others.

I saw them but did not associate her with doing them until a talk show host brought them up in an interview.

I wish someone could find copies of them and post them..


Calm down. I doubt that the bandwagon will get nearly as hectic as Jennifer Lawrence's did.


I'm just kidding, man. Love that she's getting bigger. Unlike some other actress, she's real. She doesn't play a persona.


I was also kidding, though if Larson's board does ever become like some other actress' board you may not love the fact that she suddenly became so popular.


She was fantastic in United States of Tara. Her character really intimidated me. I thought I'd failed as a teenage girl by comparison! she was just so COOL and unfazed.


Good for you


She is amazing. Stunning, talented, humble, self-deprecating, shy, aloof, adorable, hot, classy, charming, smart, an just plain drop dead gorgeous with a perfect body to boot. That being said, I have followed her career even prior to United States of Diablo Cody sucks at writing and needs to stop wasting extremely talented actors in her garbage shows and films. Believe me Brie was the only reason to waste 30 minutes on this pathetic hispter BS. First it was Juno, then United States of Tara now we have the new crop of writers in a "show" using that term loosely called Girls. Anyway I disgress, I have followed Brie back to her young teenage cutie pie days before even Scott Pilgrim and Greenberg back all the way to Hoot and even as the six chick in 13 going on 30. She is amazing and I love her and hope she continues to shine and well having that much deserved Oscar statue can only help. Lots of love Brie, you keep on shining angelface!


saying exactly what we're all thinking




she USED to be all that when this comment was written 8 years ago. just getting off 21 jump street and the room.

then somewhere along the way shortly after she went from all that he listed. to perpetual resting bitch face, dead inside, spark extinguished brie larson we all know today who exudes bad energy.


damn, she be lookin foine as hell in that clip


Did you post the wrong clip? Because this shows a perfectly reasonable response from someone who is no doubt sick and tired of being bullied by basement-dwelling incels...And looking pretty damn good doing it!


did i play the wrong clip? The one where she looks wide eyed insane and sounds passive aggressive showed how great and reasonable she is? when your job is to be happy and excited and promote you and the film? thats the kinda energy you want??? now compare that to chris evans or chris hemsworth.

when you dont have an argument just scream everyone is an incel. you learned well from HelloSIdney, they do the exact same thing
