MovieChat Forums > Max Landis Discussion > Dad is a murderer, son is a womanizing d...

Dad is a murderer, son is a womanizing douchebag

Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


At least Dad had some talent when it came to movies though. That particular apple seems to have not fallen from the tree at all.


He meant morally, not in terms of creative ability.


If that's what he meant, he should have said that the turd doesn't fall far from the asshole..


I have a degree of respect for Max Landis at least for being way ahead of the curve & having enough integrity to call out The Force Awakens when most everyone else, especially when at the time those with platforms on mainstream & social media had largely gone full retard, shilling their asses off for that corporate piece of sh*t dumpster fire of a movie.


You respect a trust fund baby dweeb who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire? All righty then.


I said I respect the integrity he showed on one issue.


Please point out how Rey is any different than any other hero, especially Luke, in regards to being a quick learner and able to save the day with little training. Luke had never been in space yet was able to channel the Force to blow up the Death Star with absolutely no training.


Is this a parody or do these people still exist? I'm about 6 years past interested in entertaining the laughable "If Rey is a Mary Sue then so is Luke" argument.


Luke blew up the death star though. He had help from Ben but still, he was just a farmboy...


Again I can't tell if this is a genuine attempt at beating this dead & buried horse or just contrary trolling for the sake of parody. *Sigh* "Plausibly" established early on in the film as a pilot, Luke still would have been dead without the combined efforts of the entire Rogue Squadron sacrificing themselves, Han Solo saving Luke from Vader at the last second, & Obi Wan's guidance. The film could not have made it any clearer that the battle was won through team effort & not the result of Luke pulling inexplicable Mary Sue abilities out of his ass.


They both save the day, though. That's what makes them heroes. That's what's essential to the archetype, as pointed out by Spike.


Yeah well I guess I'll just leave you and "Spike" to ignore the important, distinguishing details that you can't seem to be bothered with.


Irrelevant details. They are both heroic, both fit the archetype. That's why people love Luke.

And now they have embraced Rey!


And now they have embraced Rey!

🤣 And you almost had me going there for a minute.


What argument? Mary Sue is a stupid term only invented to diminish female characters who are near identical to make counterparts. Luke is no more a "Mary Sue" than Rey; both are typical of the hero archetype who come from obscurity to save the day.


Still can't tell if you're being serious but you're arguing based on very generalized "on paper" concepts/architypes & not what actually played out screen. No Luke isn't "no more a "Mary Sue than Rey". Luke isn't Mary Sue at all while Rey is very much an exemplary Mary Sue. Simple


I'm completely serious. Sorry you are jaded and see things differently, but it's clear this discussion is not going to amount to anything.


While I was simply being matter a fact about a person in the industry being ahead of the curve in terms of breaking down some of the reasons why TFA was a terrible, poorly written hack job of a movie when you seemed set on going on about generalized character architypes so I agree the discussion doesn't look like it's going to amount to anything.


When did Luke use the Jedi Mind Trick in A New Hope?
