MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Hey guys, I am trending again

Hey guys, I am trending again

Make me great again. Read my book Mein Kampf and learn about the glory of the good o'l days. You can fight me with more free speech by promoting me on the trending page to let the world know how great I am and that I did nothing wrong, kthxbai.


I'm going to get rich selling Make Adolf Great Again hats!


True, currently Adolf is "trending" again on the start page.
Need to check who owns the publishing rights to his immortal work "Mein Kampf".
Contrary to a common misconception, Hitler's book isn't universally banned.
Is his name a trademark now?
Would you drink an an Afri-Cola? 🍹​

Afri-Cola advertisement 1968 by Charles Wilp:


Isn't Mein Kampf in the public domain now?


Sorry, can only tell you what Wikipedia just told me:

Seit Juli 2022 ist Hitler, Mein Kampf. Eine kritische Edition des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte auch online verfügbar und entspricht der 13. Auflage der Printausgabe von 2022.
Ok, in English:
Hitler, Mein Kampf has been available since July 2022. A critical edition of the Institute for Contemporary History also available online and corresponds to the 13th edition of the print edition of 2022.

And now will check if Adolf is still or again "trending".
Need that to convince investors for Adolf-Cola.
Btw. the trademark for Mona Lisa is owned by Bill Gates. ☺


Just checked, Adolf is super "trending" by now.
Danke! ♥


You see, we need to hurry!
Others picked up your great idea.


He sure is.
