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Dave Bautista Says Working for Disney Is "Pretty Nauseating" After James Gunn Firing

Bautista — who, along with the rest of the cast, penned an open letter asking Gunn be reinstated immediately — said he would play Drax once more, but simply because it is a contract obligation.

"I will do what I'm legally obligated to do but @Guardians without @JamesGunn is not what I signed up for," the actor wrote on social media. "GOTG w/o @JamesGunn just isn’t GOTG."

However, on Monday, the actor told ShortList he would quit if Gunn's script, which had been completed, was not used.

“Where I’m at right now is that if [Marvel] don’t use that script, then I’m going to ask them to release me from my contract, cut me out or recast me," he told the outlet. "I’d be doing James a disservice if I didn’t.”

In his Sunday tweet, Bautista took a jab at Disney.

"It's also pretty nauseating to work for someone who’d empower a smear campaign by fascists #cybernazis," Bautista wrote. "That’s just how I feel."


So do you agree it disagree


Corporate culture always becomes very stuffy because of political correctness. For example Google used to be a bunch of young men who would hang out and party at the office with call girls and alcohol. Now Google has special manditory sensitivity training, hall monitors, rooms for nap time, and they will fire you if you say biology isn't a social construct of patriarchy. Creativity yields to censorship.

Notice how alarmed this Disney employee is that his advocacy of child rape is not tolerated. He is lashing out at Nazis because he doesn't know who to blame.


so much devotion for a smarmy creep. I wonder what is it about creeps like Gunn that inspire such devotion.


The #cybernazis did it!
For Space ISIS we got Spaceforce.
But who defends us against those Cybernazis?!


I'm all for an error when Drax comes back from the soul stone realm and he's played by Roseanne Barr.

I'd even say Gunn should get to direct it too - everybody wins!


this guy is too stupid to realize how dumb & depraved he is.

Disney did not "empower a smear campaign by fascists #cybernazis,"

They fired James "I like it when children touch me in my silly place" Gunn for his depraved pro child-rape comments and jokes and his endorsements of pedos and pedo-rights groups like Nambla (and other racist, sick stuff).

If you do not get the difference you are either stupid or depraved or likely both.


I honestly believe that Mister Bautista likes to Bautista Bomb infants on a regular. So he has to protect his pedo daddy at all cost.


where there is smoke, there is often fire. Bautista currently plays suicide by termination with Disney. Gunn and he may have some deeper, degenerated connection other than the usual master-muse balls-licking thing.
