MovieChat Forums > Frank Grillo Discussion > Has to be the greatest looking 55 year o...

Has to be the greatest looking 55 year old guy alive

I was shocked as hell to find out he was 55 years old, dude looks late 30's at the most. Is this guy a vampire or something? he doesn't seem to age.


I think Keanu Reeves is the younger looking one.


Not without his beard, dudes looking old as fuck in the new Bill and Ted without his beard.


Yes, you're right. Keanu does look older there. Frank Grillo is pretty damn good looking for his age but he doesn't look in his late 30's. I guess it depends on what year the photos have been taken or how much makeup they get put on, etc. (I don't know when this has been taken but to me he looks in his late 40's. I'm 45 soon and I can assure you that I look younger than him on that photo).


I've been watching Kingdom recently and i guess they do alot of makeup and stuff to make him look good on there so thats where i'm basing my opinion of his looks off of, so yeah i guess irl with no makeup etc he looks older than what i thought. Yeah around late 40's from that pic you posted but he still doesn't look 55 imo.


I agree. He doesn't look like your typical 55 year old at all. And I don't know if he's putting himself through an extensive training regime but he always seems in amazing shape.




Dude looks fantastic for 55!! I actually stumbled upon this thread cause I was curious how old he was. At the time I was thinking he looked late 30's early 40's but expected him to be mid 40's but in excellent shape and in movie make up. Never would've guessed 55!

I challenge you to name another actor that looks this good(not necessary younger) for 55. Somebody said Reeves. Please, Frank looks better(not younger) today than reeves looked in Speed 1994. You could argue George Clooney but he doesn't hold a candle physique wise. I believe the only famous person who could surpass him is Brad Pitt, but if Brad Fing Pitt is competition then you've already won. Nevertheless Frank is clearly in the top 0.01% for his age group.

If you need anymore convincing take a look at Gerard Butler(Leading man level) next to Frank. And Frank is older.

Now the real question is how does he do it?

1. Effort. Probably has a very good skin care routine, strict and quality diet, weekly barber visit, and a consistent rigorous weight lifting routine.

2. Genetics. The strong hairline of thick black hair and groomed stubble certainly helps his rugged masculine look. Prominent facial bone structure, and is likely in the top 1% of muscle building genetics.

3. Movie magic. In film and his posted pics look mostly professionally done with quality lighting, makeup, oil, and other ticks of the trade.

4. Roids. Yes, I would say Frank is on HRT given his age. I haven't seen anything that would suggest he's on anything heavier than that. Even if he was it wasn't anything that couldn't be achieved naturally from somebody in the top 1% genetics with a strict, consistent, and effective diet and workout plan.


I figure he’s got to be on some kind of hormone therapy if he’s 57. Diet, genetics and workouts only get you so far.


I challenge you to name another actor that looks this good(not necessary younger) for 55.

Ralph Macchio is over 60 and looks better.


^^^^ This is a joke right?

Ralph Macchio over Frank???!


I'd fuck Ralph Macchio. This Frank guy is too greasy looking.


Josh Duhamel looks in too good a shape too for a guy his age.
