MovieChat Forums > DMX Discussion > Should DMX be cancelled

Should DMX be cancelled

I'm still trying to figure out woke cancel culture. He used the N word very liberally and often used disparaging comments towards woman and The Gays. Don't these indiscretions go back to birth? I'm very confused.


I don't know a lot about him, so I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert. I don't know what he has said or done, if anything, but none of it matters. He's dying, will do soon, so he's to be revered now.

Rappers also quite often get a pass. Tupac was a horrible guy, but is considered a "poet" and genius.

At least the children are safe from the likes of Dr. Seuss and Pepe Le Pew.


Careful, thoughts like that scare the left. You might get branded a racist.


yes. he is a dog fighter and is cruel to animals. I used to love him and his music. Once I found out about the cruelty to animals I destroyed all my CDs of his music and will turn the station if his songs come on.


This question is moot. Seems like he's already cancelled himself.... Literally.
