MovieChat Forums > Bradley Cooper Discussion > I don't understand his A-List fame???

I don't understand his A-List fame???

I was watching Bradley Cooper on a weekly basis when he was on Alias with Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan and I NEVER imagined Bradley Cooper was going to be some huge breakout star a few years later.

I don't get it still. I mean Bradley Cooper is kind of cute in an unconventional emu type of way but I still don't understand why he is this giant A-list star now. He isn't THAT hot and while he is a good actor he isn't phenomenal or anymore talented than Garner or Vartan.

It seemed to all start with him getting cast in The Hangover...I wonder if he auditioned on "The Casting Couch" to get that role??? That is the only thing that makes sense to me.


Because he is incredibly hot and a great actor!! He is hotter than most “good looking” actors and is extremely talented.


90 percent of all actors are around the same quality, really good actors like Meryl Streep are pretty rare. It takes one project to propel someone into stardom. I think another example is Michael Fassbender, nobody knew who he was before Inglorious Basterds, but he had a really good part in that movie with a really memorable scene. It turned him into a huge star due to exposure not to talent. Connections will only get you through the door, having a movie that has a resonance with the audience is more important.




I'm usually unsure why and how just about anyone gets to be an A-lister, but once they are given serious roles and they execute they should be able to keep getting high profile roles. After being in Silver Linings Playbook (JLawr and DeNiro) and American Sniper (dir by Eastwood), he's been able to write his own ticket. Good for him.
I don't know anything about his personal life but I hope they are happy together.
