MovieChat Forums > Jack Cassidy Discussion > What the heck was wrong with this guy?

What the heck was wrong with this guy?

He ended up dying in a Condo fire but he seemed to be mentally unstable for many years. He seemed to be jealous of his son, played with fire a lot, only able to get bit parts in his last years. He did seem to have a lot of friends but something seemed really off.

Any ideas as to what was wrong with Jack Cassidy?


I had no idea about his mental instability but he seemed to deliberately cultivate a satanic, 'devilish' appearance as you can see in his profile picture. I would guess that is a mark of mental instability too, especially back in the early 1970s. Do you think his playing with fire was the cause of his death?


I think ultimately it was a combination of mental illness and excessive drinking that did him in..all at the age of 49. The night he died he "ran around a nightclub like a maniac", causing his date to dump him..then he stayed out drinking at various West Hollywood clubs before going home and sometime early in the morning he fell asleep on his couch and lit a cigarette. That was the end, I believe he died of smoke inhalation. Sad way to go out, he was only 49.


He was younger than me. I was always of the impression he was much older.


Too much booze, too much women
Sad, he was a big player that wound up with bit parts


He was great on Columbo.


Yea. I enjoyed that episode where he was the magician.
