

They're comin' for yer guns!

How many fucking times have we heard this nonsense from the far right? To change the 2nd amendment, you'd need another constitutional amendment - which would have to be ratified by 3/4 of the states. You'd be lucky to get one. Even in the most liberal states people only want background checks, red flag laws, stuff like that. So this is just alarmist screaming and shouting designed to get the sheeple all hot and bothered.

The first amendment only applies to government censorship. Private platforms can make their own decisions about what content they want to host. To pick an old school example, newspapers can decide to publish your letter to the editor, or not. They're not required to do it (even if they could publish them all). Having a conversation on social media is no different from having it in a restaurant, or other public venue. If you're talking about killing someone or trying to overthrow the government, and you're overheard, you may end up under surveillance. That's hardly fascism. It's how law enforcement is done.



Were you not listening? The private sector has always been free to decide their own TOS. After the Capitol attack, social media platforms are rethinking the role they played and what their policies should be going forward.

If you spread tin foil hat conspiracy theories - deep states, made up election fraud, Satanic pedophiles, covid being deliberately spread by the Democrats, etc. - then yes, people will call you a crazy conspiracy theorist because that's what you are. Peaceful protest does not include storming buildings, or killing people and threatening to kill others. If those idiots had stayed outside and confined themselves to making their voices heard there wouldn't have been a problem. So please spare us the massive right wing sense of victimhood and persecution.

A handful of people behave violently over the summer and every single BLM protestor or Antifa supporter is a thug and a terrorist. Right? But when white nationalists and QAnon nuts try to stage a coup it's all good. We shouldn't tar everyone on the right with the same brush. Pure hypocrisy. Whatever standard you apply, at least be consistent about it!


The thread creator posted a lot of text there.

For morons, I'll translate for you. What he's basically trying to say is, "If they censor these people for their opinions and you're okay with that... what will you do when they come for YOU and your opinions one day".

The problem here is that people dumb, dull and deeply sad enough to approve of Joe Biden, they can't foresee a day when they'll ever have an interesting, original or controversial opinion about anything. So it's kind of hard to make this appeal to them.


As opposed to the fanatical, brain dead rednecks who support Trump? Hard to imagine them experiencing a single independent thought ... period.

There is nothing coming from the right wing that's the least bit visionary or inspiring. It's the kind of backward simple-minded crap that gets a big dumb oaf all riled up, shouting and pumping their fists in the air, basically acting like an agitated chimpanzee. And they're too stupid to see that the party they're supporting does nothing for them, it's 100% for the rich and corporations. That's it. They take dirty bribe money from the billionaires and do their bidding, then go back to their constituents screaming about socialism and the so-called radical left and "They're comin' fer yer guns!" and the dumb fucks buy the whole ridiculous circus act. Of course they could go on the Congressional website and see what their loyal public servants are actually doing - but that would involve reading, and thinking, two things any cult of Trump zombie avoids like the plague.

The Republican Party as it currently exists has to die. They need to reject the far right and move back toward the center again, until they do we have to make sure they don't get hold of the levers of power. They damn near dismantled democracy this time around!


Far right? Lol that's enough Kool aid for you.


Well that's what they are. We don't really have a far left in this country, people like Bernie Sanders and AOC would be considered center left anywhere else in the industrial world. But we do have a far right. White nationalists, militia assholes, Christian Dominionists, and conspiracy loonies, like the ones who stormed the Capitol.

Righties have no vision for anything. No ideas for the future. It's just screaming, yelling, and raging. They're AGAINST a whole lot but stand for nothing - except some vague notion of 'Murica. Wave the flag, hoot and holler, rah rah rah. And bow down to your Führer, The Lord God Trump! Very inspirational. George Orwell would be thrilled.

Honestly, I never hear anything like a real plan to uplift the nation. It's all anger and grievance, and simple minded ways to act on those grievances. Can you articulate an actual coherent set of ideas instead of just bashing the other side? If so, it would be the first time I've heard one.


I think that assessment is a little self-serving. I've never seen anyone on here that 'seriously' conforms to any of those groups. I've seen people make deliberate non-politically correct remarks, but only out of irony or in jest.

I also think you need to define what you mean by 'uplift the nation' - because this feels like one of the key misalignment's between voters.

What does success for America (all of America) look like from your point of view?


LOL, the dems need to move to the middle. Dems are evil beyond satan itself.
90 years of holding the south side of Chicago hostage them Dems have done. ALWAYS blaming everyone else.
The DEMS have kept the south side in hostage for votes. and it is a complete sh*th8le. Murder capital of the world. Mayor doesn't care if they burn it down. BLAME TRUMP is her clamor!..... Democrats are a disgrace and are evil. They tell the blacks, we'll help you and DO NOTHING!
Believe what you will, I disagree based on true Chicago happenings.
Have a great day


Your username says it all. Is that you, Mr. Trump? They should've banned your ass here too!


Oh, yes, please ban every different opinion. No, no, that's not fascism, that's freedom, believe me...


Jesus, how many right wing shills are there on this fucking site? You people have nothing to say. Nothing but bash bash bash, rage rage rage, I never hear a positive agenda - what you actually stand FOR - only what you're AGAINST. Can't define yourself entirely that way. So instead of more whining and grievances let's hear what you think the President, the Congress, and the country should do, where it should go, what policies you're in favor of instead of just what you're against. That would be a refreshing change of pace!


It seems you have plenty of time to post on a movie board. Are you paid for it? What a "honorable" job... Am I a right wing shill? Don't know, I am just born and raised in Germany and I know pretty well how fascism and suppression of opposite opinions works...


So you recognize Trump's brown shirts for who and what they are, then? Good. It never ends well when you have a movement that believes in nothing except One Man.

And you dodged. That's alright though, it was kind of a rhetorical question. I have yet to encounter a single Trumpie who knows exactly what they stand for. They'll rage on about everything they hate, but don't ask them to articulate a vision for the country or talk policy. Might as well be quantum field theory as far as they're concerned. Too damn complicated! They'd rather scream and shout than stop and think. If you don't agree with them, you're the enemy and they're perfectly happy to beat you down.


I don't have to tell what's wrong with neo-liberal pseudo-leftists, right? They are 'way to much in love with capitalism. In the same way the Nazis (also pseudo-socialists) were in love with, in the same way the Chinese pseudo-communists are in love with... That makes them inauthentic. It is NOT intentional anymore that the bigger part of population has any benefit of neo-liberal laws. They are primarily made for the benefit of a few oligarchs only.
The good news: This insight made me stop voting in general. The whole election thing is only a stupid illusional farce.



I agree 👍


Look at this pathetic commie wet dream in action everybody! LMFAO


Wax on, wax off ...


"I'm a big communist! I'm going to take the meanie rich people and put them against that wall" pathetic



How did you manage to make 2710 posts of that high quality? I swear that was really good, it was almost like a 14yo's fanfiction. Well done kid.


It took long hours and dedication. And I must say, it's an honor just to be nominated. I'd like to thank my parents, my brother and sister, my manager, the great directors I've been privileged to work with, my terrific castmates, everyone currently alive on Earth and all their ancestors back to the dawn of time. Thank you all! 🏆

To make honey, young bee need young flower, not old prune.


Oh my god I'm so sleepy right now.

Rodney you plonker!


I'm afraid all we can do is be vigilant. For now, I have not seen them actively getting rid of all free speech, otherwise we would not be able to post what we want to say on any website, or even be able to use the web. It's also possible that there are people working behind the scenes to sabotage attempts to take away Americans' rights. That's one thing they don't want the public to hear; that there is resistance in places the dumbass uniparty on Capitol Hill don't know about.

I remember reading that despite there being a dominance of liberals in Big Tech, there are many conservatives working there that have been flying under the radar in that sector, and very skillfully too, I might add. Same goes for lawmakers, website owners, and many other areas of our everyday life.


A balanced approach is required, just like it always has been required.

A proper government needs to cater to all citizens regardless of their political persuasion.
